Jamie Whitmarsh Residency application Support


/ #126

2016-07-23 13:40

Jamie has played football from a very early age even with his cf. Coming home after a game of football, full of mud, dirty smelly boots, socks, kit and not least underpants. So all the mums in queenstown whose kids play football with him would understand this.

Prince Charles, who is a Patron of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and is head of The Princes Trust, would hopefully have awarded him for his commitment and dedication to football coaching for years gone by.

Everybody on the petition listing so far, have not stated that jamie has ever let them down due to his cf, because he has always been there for them. Stoic is the word.
I would just like to say thankyou to everyone who has jamies future in their hearts and hopefully the outcome is a good one for him, as i don't want to be washing football kits again in the uk. Over to you NZ.

Mum x