Reject Net Zero policies

We, the undersigned, 

Reject the UK Government policy of bans and impositions to secure arbitrary net zero targets.

We say it isn’t enough for bans on petrol and diesel cars and gas and oil boilers to be put back to 2035. Whether or not there really is a climate emergency, as the media never tire of telling us, we say there should be no bans at all. We say government is not put there by God to impoverish the people. We recognise the law should ban things which are evil, crimes like murder, sexual offences, violence, theft and false witness.
We say buying the sort of car, according to the establishment, can never be illegal in the eyes of God or in any civilised jurisdiction. Installing a boiler which happens to be the wrong sort in the eyes of the elite can never be ‘against the law’.
We reject the top-down command and control mentality which bans what should be perfectly legal and market-driven as human arrogance.

We do not agree, as the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child proposes, that children should be dictating policies in this area. We do not accept that carbon dioxide is a poison, rather do we understand it as essential to plant growth and hence to all life on earth.
Furthermore, we see no evidence that politicians or their civil servants have ever costed out the financial impact of their impositions or whether they can deliver the electricity it all requires in a reliable way or for that matter the enormous environmental impact of mining for metals for batteries and solar panels or the costs of recycling or disposal when they, and wind turbines, reach their end of life.

We are appalled by the arrogance, stupidity, dishonesty and corruption which our politicians display and instead call them to humility, wisdom, honesty and love of their neighbour which begins with the fear of Almighty God.  

Read our article for the full story.

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