Make Masks Optional for Students in Charleroi School District



There are only 3-4 schools in Washington county that are still enforcing masks! Lift the mandate!

Nikki Christie (Monongahela, 2022-02-18)


My kids go to Charleroi and the school board is abusing their power! Their excuse of our county being in a high zone is an excuse to hold onto this ‘mandate’. Every other district in the county is optional. My kids HATE wearing masks and we need to move on!

Ashley Hazy (Charleroi, 2022-02-18)


I want are kids to be free from the masks

Greg Hazy Jr (Charleroi, 2022-02-18)


I am signing this , because our children should be able breath freely. They cannot see their teachers face, their friends faces. It needs to come to a end, it's been long enough that you have told us what to do with OUR children.

Chelsey Fleming (Charleroi, 2022-02-18)


My child deserves to see her teacher’s expressions and learn she is safe without a mask.

Dylan Kevech (CHARLEROI, 2022-02-18)


I would like my child to have the choice of whether to wear a mask or not.

Lisa Hutchin (Bentleyville, 2022-02-18)


It is time to unmask the children

Jamir Fedorchak (Charleroi, 2022-02-18)


Kids shouldn’t have to be stuck behind mask

Jeremy Tuttle (Charleroi, 2022-02-18)


Board is a bunch of hypocrites walking around with no masks on while abusing these poor children day after day. Sickening.

Kelli Brudnak (Charleroi, 2022-02-18)


My oldest is currently home doing virtual because of medicine he is taking for his skin and can not have a mask on all day. Let me make the decision for my own children

Christine Barcus (Monongahela , 2022-02-18)


I want masks to be optional

ava henderson (Charleroi, 2022-02-18)


My kids go to this school and I think making them wear a mask all day is horrible! Breathing in your carbon monoxide is dangerous! They need air! Also, they DO NOT work!!!!!!!!!!!

Jessica Segelken (Charleroi , 2022-02-18)


I'm a taxpayer, I'm a graduate of CHS, my siblings and father were graduates of CHS, my daughter is a graduate of CHS and now my grandchildren are students at CHS. I totally support PARENT CHOICE for mask wearing. My grand child in first grade has ADHD, he is on medication and struggles with focus and distractions. For HIM, the mask IS a distraction. He chews on it, it irritates him, it adds to a variety of distractions that take his attention AWAY from the attention he needs to maintain on his teacher. He is NOT BAD and a SERIOUS BEHAVIOR PROBLEM. He is a first grader. He should NOT have fear and added anxiety of being reprimanded or punished for not properly wearing his mask. I stand strong with parent CHOICE. I agree with banning MANDATORY mask wearing.
Sincerel, Cindy Newman

Cindy Newman (Charleroi, 2022-02-18)


I have two kids who attend Charleroi school district..

Paul Jones (Charleroi , 2022-02-18)


I'm signing because the kids should have freedom and have a life not a jail life

Julianne Wickerham (Charleroi , 2022-02-18)


I believe children do not need to wear masks, we have all had covid wearing masks and being vaccinated. Let it run it’s course if that’s what happens, kids need to be kids.

Mallory Majoris (Charleroi, 2022-02-18)


It is a parents choice to decide .

Valerie Urwin (Charleroi, 2022-02-18)


Parents are the ones who need to be making decisions for the health and safety of their own children...NOT the school district! Most have already had covid and the numbers are low everywhere! How long will the masking go on? Covid is always going to be around just the same as the flu! We can't live like this forever! Enough is enough! Let our kids breathe!!!!

Jessica Lehr (Charleroi, 2022-02-18)


While I acknowledge the board is an arm of the state legislature and is thereby “political”, board members are still elected by local citizens. This means you have a responsibility to your neighbors and fellow citizens.

Your primary responsibilities are:

Planning -- Boards are required to engage in strategic planning by regulations of the State Board of Education. Appropriate reports of the results of such planning must be filed with the Department of Education.

Setting policy -- The central responsibility of a board, both in theory and in law, is to be the policy-forming body. Policy means actions of the board that set written goals and objectives for the school and parameters for actions.

Evaluating results -- The board must evaluate the results of planning. Evaluation “completes the loop” and, in fact, leads inevitably to more planning. Evaluation occurs all the time, both formally and informally. As a group, the board is not an administrative body; neither should it be a “ rubber stamp ” for professional educators. The selection of competent administrators who understand their role is to carry out public policies established by the board is one of the board’s most important functions.

Notice that nowhere in your primary responsibilities is “keeping children safe” from a respiratory virus.

Stop being emotional. Uphold your oaths.

As a taxpayer in the district that removed funds from your campus by removing 2 of our 3 kids, I’m not asking you to do anything. I’m telling you to knock it off.

JR Tuttle (Charleroi, 2022-02-19)


Kids need to breath!

Connie Lusk (Charleroi,Pa, 2022-02-19)


Because I believe the masks only make our children sick. My daughter has missed more days since the mask mandate than ever before because of headaches, coughing, wheezing and sinus infections.

Dawn Swafford (Charleroi, 2022-02-19)


I'm signing this because the physiological effects this has on children is detrimental for their development... socially, developmentally, as they grow .... they need to see people's faces, for language development... to learn body language and facial expressions...

Windy Lysiak (Charleroi , 2022-02-19)


I don’t feel that my sixth grader needs to wear a mask all day. Wearing a mask all day is not healthy.

Tiffany Tillman (Charleroi , 2022-02-19)


I believe the masks are not necessary. They are together without masks for lunch and other school activities. The masks are not filtering the virus. They are not for more than one time use to be properly used,therefore not even being properly used by any of.the kids.

Jamie Fleming (CHARLEROI, 2022-02-19)


Kids shouldn’t be wearing masks !!

Don Hutchin (Monongahela , 2022-02-19)


We pulled our children from CASD brick and mortar because of the way you chose to provide an education to children. I want to be hopeful that you will change your processes and policies and one day we may enroll our 3 children again. Allow the parents to PARENT their own children. That is NOT your job.

Jessica Tuttle (Charleroi , 2022-02-20)


Shouldnt have to say why this should be common knowledge that a school doesn't get to decide whats best for our children!

Celeste Green (Webster, 2022-02-20)


Let these kids breath! Get rid of these nasty bacteria holding face coverings !
Allow them to see each others faces, their friends, their teachers! Allow them to learn without such a distraction !

Chelsey Fleming (Charleroi, 2022-02-20)


These kids do not need masks!! No masks needed for lunch or recess. Kids can go just about anywhere now store, movies, restaurants and not have to wear a mask. So why are they needed in the school?!? We as parents should have the right to say what our kids can and can not do

Shanae Urwin (North Charleroi , 2022-02-21)


I believe in people's right to decide what's best for their health and their children.

Stacy Jensen (Charleroi, 2022-02-21)

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