Petition for the Removal of Board Members from the Executive Board of the Shore Woods Maintenance Commission.

The undersigned members of the Shore Woods Maintenance Commission hereby petition the board of directors to schedule at the earliest reasonable date a special meeting, for the purpose of removing specific board members, with the option also given to membership to remove the entire board at that time. New board members will be elected during the special meeting to fill the vacated positions if recalls are successful. The reason for removal is the spending of community funds in excess of that allocated in the 2022 budget and negligence of the duties of their board position(s).

Specifically, there has not been adequate accounting for the $52,300 in overages for caretaker wages during 2022, nor has an adequate explanation been given by the board for the non-existence of a plan and actions to rebuild our depleted reserve funds.

Applicable Shore Woods Bylaws References:

Article II, Section 5: Recall Petitions

At any time that members feel that any officer, trustee or standing committee is not performing its specific duties, a recall petition signed by twenty voting members will mandate that the Executive Board hear the allegation and immediately take the action required under these By-Laws. The petition shall quote the applicable paragraph of By-Laws and explain in detail the allegation of non-performance.

Article III, Section 7: Removal of Board Members

The entire Executive Board or any individual Board Member, at a special meeting of the members called for that purpose, may be removed from office by a vote for removal by thirty-four (34) percent of the members entitled to vote at any election of Trustees, if the Board or any one or more Trustees is so removed, new Trustees may be elected at the same meeting. Cumulative voting shall not apply to the removal vote.

 Article IV, Section 1: Removal of Officers or Trustees

Any officer or trustee may be suspended or removed by a vote of the five members of the Executive Board, except a provieded for in Article II, Section 8 (0) of these By-Laws, in which case a simple majority of active members of the Executive Board shall suffice.

 Article IV, Section 6: Treasurer

The treasurer shall keep and maintain or cause to be kept and maintained, adequate and correct accounts of the properties and business transactions of the corporation. The books of account shall at all times be open to inspection by any members. The treasurer shall keep safe all monies and securities of the corporation and disperse the same under the direction of the executive board

 If the required minimum of 20 signatures are acquired, this petition will be presented to the Executive Board within two weeks following the 2023 Annual Meeting scheduled for March, 11, 2023. Members signing this petition are in good standing with dues payment to the Shore Woods Maintenance Commission at the time of signing.