BC Government - Mines Permit Fees

Bruce Chaytor


2014-02-26 00:08

The fee suggested for entry level operations is way out of line.

At this time there is a $3000 bond requirement adding a $2000 application fee will lead to even more Non-permitted and Non-bonded operations than we are presently dealing with.

This fee is the equivalent of 2.5 weeks of laborers' pay.

This is a significant burden on what is a speculative venture at the best. I would hope that you are aware that Placer values cannot be estimated or verified without processing.

I would like to note that the complex vetting process of the various agencies is a product of your bureaucracy and not of the Miner.

These costs should be covered by the multiple fees that are already collected.

This proposal has all the hallmarks of another screw up like the front loading of fees has become. The "Law of unintended consequences" is surely going to come into play.