نداء إلى الاتحاد الأوربي لحماية الشعب السوري

Zeid the conqueror

/ #131 Re: نداء إلى الاتحاد الأوربي لحماية الشعب السوريJul 20, 2011, 16:17

2011-07-29 17:59

#127: Bravo Bashar Al Assad - نداء إلى الاتحاد الأوربي لحماية الشعب السوريJul 20, 2011, 16:17 

 When a flock of stranded sheep run after a wolf like Dr. Bachar,the sheep are either hungery and thirsty blind or simply dazed by a long standing starvation !You boast about running after Bachar or better still about running away from him and from his ranch like Syria!

What are the tents inhabitants are doing in Lebanon,Jordan and Turkey ?Iraq sealed its border and sealed it rule as Sectarian & Baathist!!!