please don't put down OZ sumartan tiger hamilton zoo nz


/ #190

2015-09-20 22:14

I signed the petition not to euthanase th samartan tiger who tragically killed his keeper at the zoo for the following reasons:-
* The zoo keeper obvioulsy loved her work, loved animals, was thoroughly experienced and clearly would have KNOWN of the potential dangers of her dedicated work.
* When we put animals into an "unnatural" situation, we must not expect them to behave "unaturally". Their base insticts do not automatically evaporate in captivity.
* I am confident that the lady-keeper would thoroughly appreciate this, and being the conservationist she evidently was, - would not want this wild animal destroyed for being a wild animal.
* That said, - it is a very tragic event, and all condolences to her family and the Hamilton Zoo staff.