Apiesrivier water quality/Rooiwal Sewage works


/ #4

2015-10-21 17:14

The water from the river tested as not good for human consumption in 2006 already. Nothing real has been done about the situation. We all know there is fecal matter in the water. We therefor assume that ecoli forms and maybe even cholera. We need to make use of the water for our farming operations, animals, feeds, vegetables and fruits..... How can the products produced be consumed? Those of us lucky enough to have boreholes are now also worried that the contamination/ seepage of the river and sewerage plant could contaminate this our only drinkable water sources.

Yes we could put in place systems to purify our water, but in order to be able to use the water for agricultural production of vegetables and other food products, the systems that would need to be put in place, to still comply with GLOBALG.A.P. Food safety regulations, and be able to feed our nation the costs could run from just over 3/4 of a million to far over a million rands.