Reinstatement of Jarron McInnes as TECT Park Ranger


/ #4

2016-02-21 07:57

Jarron McINNESS should never have been dismissed from his postion as TECT All Terrain Park Manager. The WBOPDC should correct this erroneous and ridiculous decision immediately.

On behalf of TESA we wish to express our dismay and disappointment at the dismissal of Jarron MCINNESS from his role as TECT Park Ranger.

We anticipate that the WBOPDC will have the sense to reinstate him as TECT Park Ranger and resolve this ridiculous position. TESA would not have been able to make the improvements to the North West Corner of the Park without the input of Jarron in his role as TECT Park Ranger.

We look forward to continuing to work with Jarron in the future.
Yours faithfully
TESA TECT Park Delegate.