NMMU PETITION: Unlawful Protests violating our Right to Education


/ #176

2016-09-27 15:11

We all have the right to be in a institution which provides a safe enviroment , for us all to complete our study of choice. Important to note is our choice. When you make the decision to further your studies in order to equipt you in your career of choice, and you pay for that choice( time, dedication), no one must be given the power to rob someone from that opportunity. Each person investing their time into further studies are contributing to a society at large. When i was studying at varsity i had to take out a student loan and work at night as a waitress to pay for my studies, so did many of my fellow students. There were no disruptions caused . No we all had one thing in common and that was to get a degree and make a life for ourselves. Today it does not always seem that way. For those who are still trying and wanting an education needs to be empowered.