Change Texas Deadly Force Laws


/ #2 Disagree

2012-02-20 18:40

If people wouldn't run from their obligations by hiding their vehicles and playing that "Cat & Mouse" game with us, then we wouldnt have to sneek up in the middle of the night. Thats if you can call being in a loud ass wrecker and having your overhead caution lights spinning and your work lights on, sneaking around. Most people know they are behind on their payments and they know that the vehicle is on the repo list. So, you cant sit there and tell me that gives them the right to put a 12 gauge slug in my head! I wouldnt have been there if that person wouldve just pid his bill or turned the truck in to the finance company who owned it.I fully intend to do everything I can to get these laws changed and then some! I'll make sure that you can be charged with Auto Theft if you hide from your obligations in the future!