Remove TJ Brown from his position of authority

Quoted post


#4 Concerned Citizen

2014-04-22 15:35

I'm appalled at this petition solely because if he was found guilty of this would justice not have already been served. He would have never been brought back to work. To point fingers and only hear one side of someones story is what we as society and Christians should be questioning. Show me one officer who has not been accused of violating some code of conduct or policy. I want to know why he was not fired if this is all true. If there was an investigation done by Farmington Police why did they not proceed with the warrant. It sounds like to me theres more then just a concern with what he is being accused of but more like there are issues with his life style. Have any of you spoken to this guy and asked his side of the story or are you all just judgmental people? I guess what people say about police is true. You are guilty until proven innocent or in his case guilty after being found innocent. So another words you'll eat your own to fulfill what you think is justice without proof. Otherwise I'm sure he wouldn't be returning back to work...or are you saying Bloomfield police department and Farmington Police Department our are not capable of conducting a proper investigation? If that's so we should be more concerned with all our law enforcement agencies and their employees, you included!



#5 Re: Concerned Citizen

2014-04-22 16:17:16

#4: - Concerned Citizen

I completely agree. If no charges were filed then why are you doing this? I'd like to hear his side of the story, until then I believe this is nothing more then singling out an individual for his lifestyle. This not okay and you should be ashamed of yourself. No wonder the people in our community are losing faith in the police around here. People like you are more of a danger to our community than Mr. Bown.


#6 Re: Concerned Citizen

2014-04-22 16:25:53

#4: - Concerned Citizen

There is not a question of whether it happened, it was admitted. The entire problem lies inthe fact that the age of consent is 16 and thats how old the victim was. This has nothing to do with the officers lifestyle, this has everything to do with him taking advantage of his position and having a sexual relationship with a juvenile. The DA refused to press charges due to the age of consent but that does not mean he has not violated policies put in place by the city of bloomfield or that it is okay to have sex with a juvenile. He has poor moral character and does not belong in a position of authority

Joshua Calder
The author of this petition

#7 Re: Concerned Citizen

2014-04-22 16:27:48

#4: - Concerned Citizen

Well, the reason he was not fired is because the legal age of consent in NM is 16, So he did not violate the statutory definition of a child sex crime. Being in a position where the public trust and confidence is needed, having an officer prey upon the youth they are sworn to protect violates that trust. If you would like to read his side of the story contact the Farmington Police Dept and get a copy of his statement and just to be clear, I have. This issue has nothing to do with his sexuality, it has everything to do with an officer preying upon and taking advantage of those he is sworn protect. If you feel it is ok for a 28 year old police officer to use police resourses to id and pursue a 16 year old high school student, then dont sign the petition.