Jam Science/Hatfield LIve Shriekback re-release

Quoted post


#5 Re:

2014-08-07 14:26

#3: -  

 it's tempting but the picture quality tends to be a bit shite..




#14 Re: Re:

2014-08-15 15:33:28

#5: - Re:  

 It would be better than nothing. I was at that gig and played my video of it to death. Now I can't find it anymore so would be great to get it on DVD.


#17 Re: Re:

2014-09-06 14:57:06

#5: - Re:  

 There is nothing wrong with the video quality of "Jungle of the Senses".  I acquired an excellent-quality copy of the original tape and had it ripped in full PAL resolution to DVD on professional equipment.  The transfer was excellent.