Quoted post



2014-09-23 01:17

This center has been the heart of Woodbridge for years. It has defintely become "sleepy" these past few years, because of age and the shops that have been forced to leave due to rent hikes. It was such a quaint center when St Ives, Chevys, the stamp store, coffee shop, Women's clothes boutiques etc. were all here. Of course Rubys, Barnes and Noble, the Movie Theater, Toy store, Jewelry store, Champanes and Rainbow Kids hair salon, are so much a part of Woodbridge, it would be devastating to see them go!! Woodbridge is a special place... To add more dense housing and loose a wonderful social/retail center will change its character and community feel. While the Irvine Co. certainly knows how to keep Irvine looking beautiful, they must not forget the impact their decisions will make on the thousands of us who call Woodbridge home. The uniqueness of this community is why we are here! The Irvine Company is becoming known as the "Scrooge" of OC. I don't know what small business would want to risk renting from them at this point. What a wonderful PR move they could make to listen to this community and work with the shop owners and their rent hikes. Also, as wonderful as it is to have some great Asian food choices, lets not get out of balance! (i.e. oh how we would welcome back the old Stonecreek Farmers Market, a coffee shop, Mexican, Italian, or more Urban Plates style resturant, a Juice bar, Trader Joes...) Please preserve the charm and history of this community, there is no other place like Woodbridge...



#49 Re:

2014-09-26 13:22:43

#6: -  

 Well said. The news on the street is that the Irvine Company is now trying to drive Rubys out. I guess then they can say that it's a ghosttown that needs to go. We will all see through that.


#138 Re:

2014-10-02 05:10:02

#6: -  

 Completely Agree!


#228 Re:

2015-01-23 17:54:27

#6: -