Keep Coach Scott

Quoted post

NP Grad

#6 Re:

2015-03-28 18:39

#4: -  

 How do you know you want Tron to treat kids like he treats his? Do you know how he treats his kids or wife? 

My kids are challenged by their coaches too but not in an abusive way. 

I know the people involved and that is all I am going to say. I see the names who signed the petition. They are signing because they went to school with Tron and I am pretty confident many have not seen him at practice or games. 

People shouldn't sign to support something if they don't know what happens in practices and games. 

When I saw the story in the DM Register, I was absolutely not surprised one bit. 



#7 Re: Re:

2015-03-28 18:48:55

#6: NP Grad - Re:  

 I actually do know how he treats his wife and kids.....  He is one of my husbands best friends.  His wife is one of my best friends.  His son is one of my sons best friends.  My daughter is good friends with his daughters.  So, yes.... I do know how he treats his wife and kids.  If you knew his family then you would know that he adores them.

As I stated in my post, my husband has actually helped him with practices and we have attended numerous games.  I signed it because we do know what goes on, we know him and we support him.  


#12 Re: Re:

2015-03-28 19:20:01

#6: NP Grad - Re:  

 Did I sign this because I went to school with Tron? Yes, I indeed did. Did I sign it without watching a single practice or game? Indeed, guilty as charged. But that doesn't mean I signed it without knowledge. I know several basketball coaches across the state of Iowa. Tron's reputation as a basketball coach speaks for itself. Coaches are quick to say he puts a quality product on the floor year after year. He does so by doing things the right way. Coaches point out how well he teaches the game of basketball, and how obvious it is that he cares for his players. So  in fact I maybe do know more than most in this situation. Any of us that has ever decided to take on the role as a coach in any sport understands we do so with the knowledge that there will be parents that will not be happy with decisions we make.  Coaching at the high school level is not done for the money, it is done for the love of student-athletes, for the love of the game, and for the love of the school and community (in this case his alma-mater). It is ridiculous for anyone to think that any of these things printed in the DMR article have any merit at all. I stand behind Coach Tron Scott 100%. 

B.Knight '89