Lower Forest Meadows Road Improvement from Oil Well Down

Mud_Road.jpegThis petition was created because we have not been responsive to improving lower Forest Meadows Road from Oil Well down, a major access/exit pathway to this community. That section of the road is in terrible condition and numerous residents would like it addressed. We are formalizing this petition to send to the HOA with the goal of getting this section fixed, repaired and kept it in good condition moving forward. In six months after a long winter it will be in the worst condition it has been in 10+ years. If we can't get to it now, then we want it on the list for early spring. Ideally, the road needs grading, road basin, drain ditches altered, potholes filled and poor asphalt patching redone etc.

Forest Meadow & Pine Meadow Residents    Contact the author of the petition

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