Say NO to 'make room' by City of Melbourne council!



Not safe to go home

Loren Du (Melbourne , 2021-07-09)


It could devalue my investment property there.

Xin(Ethan) Zhang (Melbourne, 2021-07-09)


I'm a female college student, and I work late every night and I don't want to be scared on my way home every day!

Ruoyu Qiu (Melbourne, 2021-07-09)


It does not fit the atmosphere of the area and it creates conflict.

Yuhang Du (Melbourne, 2021-07-09)


NO WAY. How can this be? When I first moved in, a homeless lady on drugs yelled at me just before entering the building. I had to make several complaints to the building manager to ensure I feel safe coming home. I live in this apartment in my 3rd year and have seen how the management tackled this, its definitely never easy especially when they kept mentioning to report to the landlord as budget is tight. Please don't do this here, this is my home, and I want to feel safe. Think about us residents here too! No offence but this isn't a community's responsibility over the homeless, and as much as you are so kind to do this for the homeless, I suggest you can put them closer to your government area in the burbs, where they are closer to your reach!

Noel Chin (3000, 2021-07-09)


Safety issue

anggi Poli (Melbourne , 2021-07-09)


Had enough bad personal experience with homeless, with this project coming, I am deeply sorry about my children’s safety who both live on Rose Lane.

Junfeng Yi (Melbourne , 2021-07-09)


I live in rose lane, don’t want it to be ruined

Terry Young (Melbourne , 2021-07-09)


I'm singing because homeless, they don't respect the rules and don't have responsibilities at all to take care of the place clean and quiet. They will be doing drugs, vomit, and will make us threaten way back home. I don't feel safe stay near by them

Kihyeon Kim (Melbourne, 2021-07-09)


That is so unfair!!!

Vic Huo (Melbourne, 2021-07-09)


Homeless shelter can be done, but it’s better to be built away from an area that residential buildings are so concentrated! It will bring significant stress (mentally and physically) to the residents around the area!

Zheyi Zhou (Melbourne, 2021-07-09)


I am the owner of Manhattan UWS.

Jenny Yan (Sydney, 2021-07-09)


I do not support this. It’s bad for the r city of Melbourne, we’ve already suffered enough from Covid, when we are finally open we want tourist to return and spend money to bring our city back to life… not run away!

Claudia Lukacs (Melbourne , 2021-07-09)


I think another solution to help the homeless without affecting the safety of residents in the area would be better.

Lily Y (Melbourne, 2021-07-09)


We are a family of four living on the Rose Lane the Fifth Apartment with a one-year-old and a three-year-old.

During 2020 lockdown, there are so many homeless people gathered at Kings Street hotel, and this is our path to Child Care every day. The homeless posed a serious threaten to people passing by, we have been harassed by them on numerous occasions. My three-year-old is scared to walk to Child Care. To the point we need to change to an alternative road to the child care.

When making this decision, City council did not take into consideration of family with toddlers like us. It’s a constant fear for parents to hold kids passing by. And it is a struggle to pass through when it’s dark. As a mum, I need to run with the pram and carrying my three-year-old when passing through those places.

It will be unimaginable for us to live with a shelter next door.

Luojia Yuan (melbourne , 2021-07-09)


I'm signing because I live on Rose Lane, and it's already pretty unsafe. There are drug dealers, addicts, prostitutes, and generally shifty characters around here every evening. Adding a homeless shelter will only add more undesirables to the area.

My wife often finishes work at 7 pm, and even at that time, she has been harassed in the street. We don't want this area to deteriorate even further than it has.

Dylan Falconer (Melbourne, 2021-07-09)


I have children living in 3001/38. This is unsafe for them.

Trisha Vu (Melbourne , 2021-07-09)


I am the nearby resident, really concerned about this project.

Evan Wang (Melbourne, 2021-07-09)


who ever got this stupid idea please take all the homeless junkies to your house to settle in.

jiangnan xu (glen Waverley, 2021-07-09)


Owner of The Fifth 1009, Rose Lane

Peter Yim (Melbourne, 2021-07-09)


I'm business owner close this address. Attacked by homeless people during lock down.

Lifeng Wang (melbourne, 2021-07-09)


As a residence around this area, I would appreciate if this facility can be relocated to a suburb place. This area is prime land.

Lynette Kueh (Singapore, 2021-07-09)


I don't feel safe with this initiative so close to home. The current situation is already less than desirable but this will make things alot worse.

A F (Melbourne, 2021-07-09)


Safety of residents and standard of living will be impacted. It is not fair to us.

Sam S (Melbourne, 2021-07-09)


Safety problem. Drug problem

Cin Du (Melbourne , 2021-07-09)


Bunch of homeless people follow me into the apartment before. Very dangerous

Panco Mile (Melbourne , 2021-07-09)


Stop doing this! It will destroy Melbourne CBD !

Sami Chowder (Melbourne, 2021-07-09)


It’s not safe for all residents

Chia Ching Lin (Melbourne , 2021-07-09)


Have you thought about young kids live in the building next door?! We have seen needles and trash everywhere when homeless were gathered downstairs.
The person who made this decision is obviously not a parent.

Yumi Yuan (Melbourne , 2021-07-09)


Not agree for this.

Zheng yu Ni (Melbourne , 2021-07-09)


I have 6 apartments in 220 Spencer St, 1 in 668 Bourke St. I don't want my place become worth less

Hao Xu (Glenroy, 2021-07-09)


I'm Signing because I‘m not agree with the project.

Ying Zhu (Melbourne, 2021-07-09)


Prior to conduct the make room project, please address the potential safety and cleaning issue that poses to the neighborhood first.

June Du (Melbourne, 2021-07-09)


Have friends who are residents at Rose Lane;
Ambience, businesses and the security of residents will suffer from the proposed change.

Georgia Tan (Melbourne , 2021-07-09)


There is plenty of space you can build a home for homeless not in the already crowded CBD area

kira zhang (melbourne, 2021-07-09)


I am a resident in this area.

Becky Pen (Melbourne, 2021-07-09)


I am signing because I am a rental provider with an apartment on Rose Lane and I do not want a homeless shelter nearby

Andrew Mu (Sydney, 2021-07-09)


During the COVID period, all the funds need to be used properly in helping infrastructure and people back to work. The fund HAS to be used in the taxpayers’ best interest. I cannot tolerate this shxxt idea anymore; a few months ago you want to build a room next to flinder station for drug dealers, now you got this ! Please do not MISUSE our money ! You*****ers Melbourne Council

Frank Sun (Melbourne, 2021-07-09)


I would like to express my concern regarding this matter, especially in this unprecedented covid situation. First and foremost, building a homeless shelter within the vicinity of Rose Lane would mean an increase in strangers in the neighborhood whom are likely struggling with personal matters daily. This could be a potential danger to our fellow Asians within the community in light of the pandemic situation being blamed on Asians. Furthermore, this could exacerbate the situation of the already suffering businesses and restaurants as customers would be less likely to be willing to dine in and shop. Through building the shelter, it could potentially affect both the livelihood and lives of our neighbors.

Hence, I plead with the government to reconsider this matter and I would suggest a relocation of the shelter to build a better place for our fellow homeless.

Vincenzo Davizo (Milan, 2021-07-09)


It will cause serious hygiene issue and safety problem.

Yui Fui Wong (Melbourne , 2021-07-09)


I don’t want my rental price to go down any further

Jie Wang (Melbourne, 2021-07-09)


I oppose this project as it will destroy reputation of our communities!

Amanda White (Melbourne, 2021-07-09)


Not safe for surrounding residence

Frank Ko (Melbourne, 2021-07-09)


I don't want to live near the homeless

Lin Wu (Melbourne , 2021-07-09)


i am living nearby, and this is affecting my safety as well as the value of my apartment.

Eric Tse (melbourne , 2021-07-09)

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