Cancel CBSE Term 1 Boards



Hadi Alfain

Hadi Alfain (Kottakkal, 2021-12-07)


Request to cancel or reconduct term 1 cbse exam for 12th grade …. Since it’s making a thread for serious depression among the students and parents , after attending such an exhausting tought question paper ..!!

Mohammed Bilal (Tirur, kerala, 2021-12-07)


Since classes have been online since day 1, I can't understand why the exams are offline.
And the questions are really hard.

Alan Pathrose (Aluva, 2021-12-07)


Love you CBSE <3

xd dx (Uganda, 2021-12-07)


i am signing this because cbse is*****ed up board they don't know wht students r going through and after tht they will give some shit ass hard question paper which will make our conditions even worse....

Jagjit Singh (abu dhabi, 2021-12-07)


This exam is going to affect my higher studies

Sidharth Krishna Vattamanna (Sharjah, 2021-12-07)


Maths Exam was really tough and every questions were lengthy and tough.

Nidhin Mohan (Trivandrum, 2021-12-07)


the exams were horrible

tanisha menon (dubai, 2021-12-07)


The boards were extremely hard

Jugnu Azi (Tirur, 2021-12-07)


It is not safe outside New virus also arrived please cancel boards we are scared of this virus

Joel Abi (Sharjah , 2021-12-07)


Of cancellation of board exams

Gouri Krishna (Kottaarakkara , 2021-12-08)


We were out of the offline classes for too long.. Now this lengthy and tricky questions in an offline way and not giving us enough time to study is too much..

Dilsha Dilshu (Pala, 2021-12-08)


Very very difficult level question paper

Dilshana M (Malappuram, 2021-12-08)


I’m signing because

Haroon Harris (Dubai, 2021-12-08)


I feel that this is true and will help with bettering the situation placed on us.

Justin Joby (Sharjah, 2021-12-08)


mental health problems, too much pressure

zahrah sultana (kerala, 2021-12-08)


the options in exam are so confusing the paper is lengthy and we have only 90 mins plus we have to choose the question which we don’t want and mark in answer sheet and 60 question with tricky and confusing options is not fair pls give us more time.

Amira khan (abu dhabi , 2021-12-08)


The petition is true

Allen anish varghese (Edakkara, 2021-12-09)


Students are struggling more

Muhammed Ismail (Kozhikode, 2021-12-09)


I’m signing this because I SUCK at Val

Ani Cutie (Living room, 2021-12-09)


The boards are a pain

Patrick Po (Dubai , 2021-12-10)


The exams are harder than average level and is difficult for the students as they had no regular classes and has had only online classes up to this point. We can't learn properly given this.

Johann Koshy (Kottayam, 2021-12-11)


I’m signing because all the exams were made really hard and even the questions for out of syllabus. This is my humble request. Pls.

Krishna Anil (Ernakulam, 2021-12-11)


So many questions are very tough to understand and lots of questions from out of syllabus. We lost our confidence to attend coming examinations...

Mohamed Arif (Tirur, 2021-12-11)


I m signing this because thing is messed up

Amal Jith (Sharjah, 2021-12-18)



Hansel Sibi (Allapuzha, 2021-12-20)


im signing because our batch is always the unlucky one and have to bare w every changes made by cbse and hence implemented on us .

Shaarif Ammar (Sharjah, 2022-01-02)

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