People of New Zealand opposed to WHO Pandemic Treaty 28/05/22



We need to keep our democratic rights and have government that reflects the needs of NewZealanders not a global governing body.

Sharla Drummond (Christchurch , 2023-06-18)


I do not support the WHO treaty amendments. In addition I request complete withdrawal from the World Health Organization , which is an UN-elected private entity immune from tax and legal liability.



I’m signing because I will not abide to unelected organisations such as the WHO. I will not take their vaccinations unless I wish to. I suggest New Zealand grows some and cancel their allegiance to the WHO.

Martin Broadbent (Te Awamutu , 2023-06-19)


We as New Zealanders deserve to be heard and have the right to discuss & reject any international laws that may affect us or restrict our freedom as individuals in any way or form.

David McCleary (Picton, 2023-06-19)


I do not want NZ to belong to the WHO. I insist that NZ no longer supports the WHO, the WHOs Treaty and Amendments to the Treaty.

Wemdy Finlayson (Te Kauwhata , 2023-06-20)


I Object to New Zealand signing the WHO Pandemic treaty. I do not trust the WHO or the people that run it! I DO NOT CONSENT to being part of this treaty.

Christopher Shaw (Auckland, 2023-06-21)


I'm signing because I object to the government giving away New Zealand's sovereignty to an unelected entity named w.h.o. or anybody else for that matter.

Garry Phillips (Hamilton , 2023-06-21)


The WHO is no longer helping humanity, it is aiming to destroy it.

LOUISE HAYWARD (Auckland, 2023-06-22)


Signing because I do not trust the UN or WHO and I do not trust our current representatives to take due care in dealing with these undemocratic organisations,

Jonathan Twyman (Whangarei, 2023-06-22)


The thought of handing over our country's right to manage it's OWN health emergencies and protocols through the proposed amendments to the IHR and CA+ is abhorrent. As is the prospect of the loss of my bodily autonomy. Furthermore, the financial cost to NZ of paying the WHO (after ratification of both these diabolical instruments) would be astronomical. As information about all of this is deliberately being kept from the very people it would most profoundly impact (in a horrifically detrimental manner), there is only one option and that is to SEVER ALL TIES TO THE COMPROMISED WHO!



My Health is a personal matter - not something for bureaucrats, technocrats or oligarchs to decide for me.

Robert Oscroft (Whanganui, 2023-06-25)


WHO has no business making any decision that impacts on me or my future. I say NO to WHO pandemic treaty.

Cathy Ashwood (Taumarunui, 2023-06-25)


I disagree with the WHO an unelected group having control over New Zealand decisions and responses

NICOLA HAYES (Opotiki , 2023-06-25)


I'm signing as I need to know it's what the people of NZ want/don't want. I believe its total over reach of the NZ govt & MP's do not get to make our choices, we choose & tell the govt who we pay with hard earnt taxes. This is a huge issue which should be decided with a referendum/vote.

KATHY MCFARLANE (Auckland, 2023-06-28)


There needs to be a public disclosure and debate about the full implications of the WHO pandemic treaty and the decision on signing up should be put to a referendum.

Tony Rac (Dunedin, 2023-06-28)


I am deeply concerned about the official New Zealand Government's unethical and unscientific Covid 19 response which was in line with the WEHO's guidelines. This has no place in a democratic society. UWE PASCHKE

Uwe Paschke (Blenheim, 2023-06-29)


I don’t want the world health organisation to be able to make any decisions on the health of nz people. They are a corrupt organisation & their stupid decisions could filter down to me and my small family making us take medical treatments we don’t need or want during any future pandemics. Our bodies are our own, no organisation should have a say in how we look after ourselves & no medication or health rules can be given to an entire population in a bid to help all of the people around them. People should be encouraged to eat healthy natural food in its most purest state that we would find in nature & exercise. That’s all humans need.

TARA SAFI (RANGIORA , 2023-06-29)


Do not trust this government to make decisions on behalf of the citizens without their consent, knowledge or approval

GARY MARSHALL (Tauranga , 2023-06-29)


It is wrong for a worldwide organization to control individual countries health and how the citizens are treated. I am responsible for my own health decisions and should not be forced to have something that I disagree with.

leon thomas (Paeroa , 2023-06-29)


This is fundamentally important not to be dictated to by a global decision maker taking away our sovereign and individual rights

HELEN THOMPSON (Dunedin, 2023-06-29)


I do not accept or agree with the WHO - I would like to see New Zealand exit the WHO - I would like to see the WHO completely dismantled and All currently and past involved with the WHO, be held accountable for crime’s towards Humanity- they are corrupt, deceitful and unelected devils-

Sheri Le Fleming Burrow (Auckland , 2023-06-29)


I do not want to have my body autonomy dictated to by an unelected globalist organisation or have them control our medical hojces in our sovereign country.

Rosanna Leman (Auckland, 2023-06-30)


These pricks aren’t interested in our health, they are hell bent on controlling our lives!!!

Murray Smith (Ham, 2023-06-30)


Health is personal too the indiviual & is private.
Personal choose to except or not. It is not the place of Govterments to mandate for the whole, they are working for the people not ruling the people.

NICOLA WHITE (Buller, 2023-06-30)


I do not want the WHO, an unelected organization funded by the pharmaceutical industry, to be allowed to give itself the power to declare a "pandemic" whenever it likes and then force untested pharmaceutical products into New Zealanders' arms. I do not want either the WHO or the WEF to have any power at all over the sovereign nation state of New Zealand. I do not want an unelected global government.

Susan Pockett (Waiheke Island, 2023-07-01)


I don’t agree with the WHOs principles and they are a business organisation that we the people of NZ did not elect them. We must retain our own sovereignty

Adele Duell (Wellington , 2023-07-01)


I say NO to the WHO Pandemic Treaty and all it's amendments.

Carol Miller (Kaitaia, 2023-07-02)


I believe the WHO gave unscientific and deadly advice to our government during the Covid-19 pandemic. I dread to imagine the consequences were they to be given the blanket authority the amended Pandemic Treaty confers.



The people of NZ have not been given enough information on the ramifications of signing a treaty- we must be informed and agree before the Government barges ahead into a decision that affects us all.

SHERYL BLACK (Oamaru , 2023-07-03)


I’m signing because Zealand shouldn’t be controlled by a group of people we haven’t elected.

JESS MACKINTOSH (Hawkes Bay, 2023-07-03)


No world organization, especially one as corrupt as the WHO, has the right to control any citizen or their countries response to a situation.

Nik Doull (Amsterdam , 2023-07-03)


I don't want New Zealand to give up its National sovereignty and/or force its citizens to give up their personal sovereignty to this corrupt corporation.

NEIL FOREMAN (Gisborne, 2023-07-04)


I think we need NZ based thinking and solutions. We are luckily a small island nation and not like countries with many borders and means of coming and going.

Allan Harvey (Paraparaumu, 2023-07-04)


New Zealanders must be free to make our own health and lifestyle choices. We will not allow a repeat of the past few years. Count on it.

Catherine Lupton (Tirau, 2023-07-04)


It's the right thing to do for all of us.

Heidi Repp (Greymouth , 2023-07-04)


There needs to be a public referendum to decide if we should join up with the WHO.



The WHO has no right to dictate our health policy

Liam Steel (Wellington, 2023-07-04)


After the failure of the WHO/WEF COVID response and corruption within government overseas. I believe NZ is best to stand alone.

Emma Whitworth (Cromwell, 2023-07-04)


I'm signing because I no longer believe the World Health Organization is really about benefitting the health of humanity. I now think there's another agenda instead.

Maria McGivern (Auckland, 2023-07-04)


The way the vaccines were handled was wrong, I watched my partner fear his life after his first vaccine. He ended up with a blood clot and pericarditis. I was terminated from my job due to being to scared to take the 2nd one after seeing that. He is 27 years old. SOMEONE is to be held accountable.

Miki Wilson (Alexandra , 2023-07-04)


This government is not acting in the people's of new Zealand's interest,

Dylan Swift (Auckland , 2023-07-04)


I do not think WHO has any credibility after their actions during the cov19 sham

Damian Mitchell (Auckland, 2023-07-04)


This is a massive rort

David Weikart (Auckland, 2023-07-04)


NZ should be independent and autonomous. We are a sovereign, self-determining nation.

Aaron Raisey (Napier, 2023-07-04)


I don't agree with the WHO pandemic treaty.

STEPHEN BLACKHEATH (Motueka , 2023-07-05)


I do not want my health care choices to be controlled by unelected off shore officials of the WHO

lynda wharton (Auckland, 2023-07-06)


I do not agree with signing up to anything with the WHO.

WENDY SMITH (Invercargill , 2023-07-07)


I believe in bodily autonomy, I decide what goes into my body and that of my daughter, no one else.

Leighton Faulkner (Taupo, 2023-07-07)


I didn’t have a hand in electing any government that will abdicate its responsibilities to the self elected WHO. The WHO in their advisory role made a balls-up of the current pandemic and I have no trust that they will not operate solely with self-interest in their future so-called “health” mandates.

JOLENE OVERALL (Dunedin , 2023-07-07)


WHO has become a corrupt organization who is beholding to corporate interests rather than the citizens of this planet.

M I SECREST (Auckland, 2023-07-08)


I don't want this unelected, unaccountable entity to have authority to over-rule our basic human rights

Michael Jennings (Halswell, Christchurch, 2023-07-08)


This Treaty has no basis in fact or in Law

The entire document goes against existing national and international law, therefore it is null and void.

Rowan Mumford (London, 2023-07-09)


Nz needs to obtain from all WHO activities and contractual arrangements

GRANT HAMMOND (Tauranga, 2023-07-10)


I'm not going to let the WHO decide my or my children's fate. The last pandemic they got it wrong and I won't be going through that again

Daniel Kyle (Invercargill, 2023-07-10)


I believe in democracy and sovereignty.



I do not agree with one world health system and do not think it is a healthy option for us in NZ.

Vivien Bond (Broomfield, 2023-07-11)


I do not agree to this proposed law..

Coro Daniel (Thames, 2023-07-11)


I do not want New Zealand's sovereignty and her citizens to be dictated to by anyone especially unelected officials. I will not surrender my civil and my God given rights to anyone. Better to withdraw from the WHO.



This is over-reach.
I believe the public must be furnished with the full ramifications of what and how any pandemic treaty could affect them, and be given a public vote on whether New Zealand should sign up, before the New Zealand Government and any of its agencies signs up to this.

Sonia Veelenturf (Auckland, 2023-07-14)


Protecting national sovwreignty

Victoria Sinclair (Christchurch, 2023-07-15)


Agreement with the WHO pandemic Treaty means as a nation we will no longer be sovereign and able to make decisions that best suit the needs and the wellbeing of our people, independent of global control.

Karilyn Breed (Christchurch, 2023-07-16)


People need to have an open, transparent discussion and vote. It should not be made silently when it affects the whole nation

D Wright (Te Puke, 2023-07-17)


New Zealand should remain a sovereign nation looking after it's own interests free from following global agendas pushed by an unelected body called the World Health Organisation. Their advice during the Covid 19 event have proved to be dangerously faulty and unduly alarmist and nationally harmful.



I passionately feel we NEED TO CHANGE our thinking and wake up to what is actually happening in our world NOW!!!

Chrissie Walmsley (Whangarei, 2023-07-19)


This is dangerous centralised control of unelected individuals who have alternative motivations. Just look at the last disastrous three years for a for instance.

Anne Wilson (Auckland, 2023-07-20)


I believe in the sovereignty of the individual and by agreeing with these amendments we will loose our God given rights and be at the behest of unelected bureaucrats.

DEBORAH TARRANT (Thames, 2023-07-20)


We did not vote for this or the w h o

Mike Brewerton (Auckland , 2023-07-21)


It is undemocratic and unaccountable individuals half way around the world should not have a say in my health and wellbeing.

SUSAN KARL (TAUPO, 2023-07-23)


Nz should be making decisions that are suitable for new Zealanders. This would no doubt affect the treaty of waitangi. This decision is not for the select few, it should be a decision made by the public.

Ramah Rose (Dargaville , 2023-07-24)


I am fighting for the freedom for NZ. I live abroad for 7yrs now. I am on the electoral roll and intend to vote for this year's election. New Zealand Loyal is my number one who will fight against these outside entities. We the people are awake, we will take back control. Generations depend on us fighting

Kimiora Kirkwood (Perth, 2023-07-25)


Nations need to make their own decisions regarding public health. If the Covid pandemic is examined, we will see that nothing good came out of cooperating with the WHO.

Iwan Naude (Taupo, 2023-07-26)


I believe everyone should decide what to do with their own health and their own body's.

thank you

From Scott Blagrove

SCOTT BLAGROVE (Morrinsville , 2023-07-26)


I do not recognise the authority of the World Health Organization.



The WHO is corrupt and too powerful.

Sara Knight (Oamaru, 2023-07-29)


The WHO must not gain this power over our freedom and democracy.

EILEEN YOUNG (Dunedin, 2023-08-01)


We don't need the Tigray terrorist Tedros carrying out his genocide program in New Zealand. Nor do we want the psychopath Gates on his depopulation program dominating WHO. WHO is a major enemy of all people of the civilised world

Paul scott (christchurch, 2023-08-03)


I don’t believe that global organisations, particularly one that receives over 80% of its funding from corporates and NGOs should be making public health decisions for New Zealand.

Laura Murphy (Auckland , 2023-08-07)


This is our country and no one outside this country should be telling us what to do !

Doug Pile (Oamaru - Otago, 2023-08-08)


I am sickened by the way our Government is being controlled by the world’s most evil people

Patricia Ringrose (Whangarei , 2023-08-11)


Autonomy and everyon needs there rights on evidence not a dictators word

Justin Pollock (Dunedin, 2023-08-12)


New Zealand citizens should be free to make their own decisions. We are a democracy not dictatorship. There advice throughout the last pandemic was inaccurate and caused more issues than it solved.
It's being done in a very secretive way.

Gaylene Shannon (Dunedin, 2023-08-12)


I think the WHO have done enough damage already. WHO=World Hell organization.

Dianne Kneller Weaver (Auckland , 2023-08-15)


WHO is a unelected advisory board who has no right to make law/lore, acts under Common law.
In this respect it is a Corporate entity in maritime law who has no jurisdiction to Govern or make laws.
I reject the assumption of my permission to implement this one I or anyone else.



I'm saying NO to the WHO Pandemic Treaty



I did,nt elect these people

Richard Leng (New-plymouth , 2023-08-20)


Im dont like the idea of an unelected body having any authority over the sovereign rights of the individuals of its population. After the lies and deception from this organisation, the western worlds governments, media and health officials. The failure and covering up of mrna vaccine damage. This is just the begining of the end of it. No more lies. No too the WHO.

David Meikle (Wellington, 2023-08-25)


I believe the WHO is led by an unelected Board who represent the corporate interests of the Pharmaceutical Industry at the expense of human rights and health.

JAQS CLARKE (Auckland, 2023-08-30)


The people of New Zealand should have the say. The government is working for the people of New Zealand. It should be up to the public and made available for everyone to understand.



I don't want an unelected international body controlled by multinationals taking away our sovereignty.

Duncan O'Neill (Whangarei, 2023-09-04)


I am the only being that can determine what I want to do with my body regards medical treatment and no one should control the medical industry. That's genocidal as the very same people who want to reduce the world wide population say they can save your life with their vaccines? Really? How stupid do you think we are?

donna buck (Waimamaku, 2023-09-15)


I believe that NZ will lose its sovereignty by deliberate reinterpretation of what the document actually states



I Don't want the WHO to be in control of my individual health. No unelected body of self titled individuals should ever be permitted to control others medical treatment.

Gill Baxter (Greymouth, 2023-09-25)


I don’t want the WHO telling NZ what we can and can’t do in a pandemic emergency.
We are a very small country with insignificant impact on the world, rules that work for the US or Europe may not suit our unique situation. I would like us to retain the right to make the best choices for NewZealanders.



I do not want our country to be accountable to non elected people making rules

STEVEN THOMPSON (Christchurch, 2023-09-29)


New Zealanders cherish our sovereignty and resist the WHO usurping our rights



I do not want my life under the control & oversight of the WHO. I will make my own choices about how I live. I do not want an unelected global organisation which takes donations from anti-life & anti-freedom capitalist lobbies, to have any part in individual & community choices.

Margaret Browne (Paparoa, 2023-09-30)


New Zealanders should decide if we want to commit to such a treaty and it should not go ahead without the nz publics awareness and explicit consent

Markos Pantelides (Wellington, 2023-09-30)


I am opposed to the pandemic treaty and the IHR and its amendments, being fostered on this nation without the consent of the people and an open discussion of its ramifications and consequences

Keith Coleman (mangawhai, 2023-09-30)


I do not consent to WHO treaties in any form whatsoever.

SOPHIE WAGHORN (Kaiwaka, 2023-09-30)


I am signing because I do not agree with the WHO having authorityover me, or Mt community. I am signing because I retain all autonomy over my health decisions, and I do not agree to any institution or government, or individual claiming authority over my health or lifestyle choices.

Roger Bull (Maungaturoto , 2023-09-30)



Chris Hilleard (Upper hutt, 2023-09-30)


I reject the attempt by WHO and its subsidiary organisations to attempt to subvert our NZ Government from it’s true purpose of serving the people of New Zealand. We, the people have NOT been consulted and if our Government accepts the amendments , it is NOT on our behalf! I reject any of the WHO attempts to interfere in the lives and processes of ALL NEW ZEALANDERS.



I’m signing because it is totally unacceptable for foreign rich people globalists to have any say in any other country not elected by nz citizens so he’ll NO

Linda Reid (Wellington, 2023-09-30)


I don't want the WHO to have the authority to over-ride our national laws.

DAVID JAMIESON (Wellington, 2023-09-30)


i do not trust the WHO after the mess they made .



I disagree with WHO proposal.



I do not want to be dictated to by unelected tyrants

Graham Peters (New Pmymouth, 2023-09-30)


I don’t believe WHO has my best interests at heart. These regulations are about big pharma profits and global control. The WHO is also a threat to theNZ nation state.

Paul Robinson (Auckland, 2023-09-30)


I am signing this because the public needs to have more information regarding the pandemic treaty and how it could affect them. New Zealanders also need to exercise their democratic right to vote, to see whether there is a consensus to sign up, before the New Zealand Government or its agencies signs up.



A global response to any prescribed potential pandemic or other emergency as determined by any unelected agency outside of the control of the popuation of New Zealand or any other country, cannot be allowed to happen.
Our 'Elected' officials (MP's) need to be held to account for any attempt to allow this treaty, or any other acceptance of a globalist approach to afore mentioned situations which allow an organisation with no accountability to the people of NZ to take control of any perceived emergency or pandemic

Shane Evans (Christchurch, 2023-09-30)


None of the politicians who are canvassing for our votes in the coming elections are mentioning this issue.

THOMAS BEVERIDGE (Oamaru, 2023-09-30)


Our lives as we know it depend on it. We must maintain Sovereignty and stand for democracy. Our leaders are distracted and have forgotten whom they are serving.

MARIA JESSIE (Auckland, 2023-09-30)


The government does not have the permission of the people of New Zealand under common law to relinquish our health care under the revision
Thr PM must opt out of the WHO before December 2023

DON McINNES (WANAKA, 2023-09-30)


This gives away our rights as a sovereign nation and puts us under control from people who do not have our interests at heart

Simon Wohlers (Tuatapere , 2023-09-30)

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