Moreton Bay Region to remain a Pro Choice shire



Freedom of choice is important for our children's future

Angela De Aizpurua (Redcliffe , 2021-12-02)


I believe in pro choice

Robert Hunter (Morayfield , 2021-12-02)


I value our freedom and I definitely do not agree with apartheid

jacqui Tung (Brisbane, 2021-12-02)


I am an exercise physiologist and business owner in Caboolture and I stand to lose my ability to work on December 15.

Rebekah Payne (Caboolture, 2021-12-02)


I don’t believe in the vaccination mandate.

Jaymee DArney (Brisbane , 2021-12-03)


I am vaccinated but I do have concerns regarding booster vaccines and if you are late with boosters when do you lose your privileges? If the new variants are not covered by our vaccines why is it still be pushed as a preventive even though we know it’s not.

Alison Rowe (Brisbane , 2021-12-03)


It's imperative for a functioning society

Nigel stokes (Joyner , 2021-12-03)


People should have a choice this country isn't a communism

Corey Donovan (Dakabin, 2021-12-03)


Should be a choice to participate in medical trials and should not be excluded from society for doing so

Sonia Effting (Banksia Beach, 2021-12-03)


As a business owner I do not agree with segregation, division of communities, medical apartheid. Everyone should be allowed to choose without restriction on their way of life. Businesses need employees to keep their businesses running efficiently. Without employees a lot cannot survive. I do not support foreign workers being brought in to fill the shortage either as we have perfectly great workers here which you seem more than happy to fire from their jobs because they chose not to have an experimental injection. And that for me is a good enough reason to say no. It is their choice in how they keep themselves safe and I will not discriminate against anyone.

Kelly GUENOUN (Mango Hill, 2021-12-03)


It’s illegal to punish someone who refuses to take part in clinical trials or experimentation which is exactly what these mandates are doing. Highly illegal and it’s crimes against humanity

Alina Ward (Morton bay , 2021-12-03)


To uphold our rites

troy le boeuf (Bonbeach, 2021-12-03)


I beleive people should have the choice and not be coerced or bullued or worse, forced into taking and/or mandating a medical experiment on themselves thier, staff or patrons.

Janine Smith (Brisbane, 2021-12-03)


I’m signing because it’s my body my choice

Marcel Van Grinsven (Burpengary , 2021-12-03)


I believe we should not be forced to undertake an experimental medical procedure

Nadia Pereboeff (Scarborough, 2021-12-03)


First our states were segregated, now our respective states are being segregated, we’re being corralled into pens - what’s next. The people have had a gut full and this is ends now.

Melinda ORDYNSKI (Scarborough, 2021-12-03)


I found what other councils have done inspiring and am hoping Moreton Bay council can follow suit.

Brianna Glasbergen (Elimbah, 2021-12-03)


I feel strongly that australia should be open everyone.

Mandy Manley (Deception bay , 2021-12-03)


Everyone should have the choice of what they put in their body! We are the ones responsible for our health and we have the human right to choose what that means for us. Coersion is not choice and where there is risk, there should always be a choice!

Natalie Mardon (Dakabin, 2021-12-03)


I thought Hitler was dead. Obviously not.

Caro McCann (Bribie , 2021-12-03)


I think people should have a choice and not backed into a corner

Amanda Phillimore (Brisbane, 2021-12-04)


pro choice

Geoff Spencer (bellmere, 2021-12-04)


I believe in the freedom of choice

Jane Timmins (Brisbane , 2021-12-04)


I believe in choice. Where there is risk there must be a choice and this vaccine has proven to have many risks.

Ebony Tyers (Upper Caboolture , 2021-12-04)


I dont support discrimination

Francine Elliott (Wamuran, 2021-12-04)


These mandate are just plain communism. We hav a civil right to come and go as you please without restrictions. And businesses be able to run as usual and not be punished or punish anyone else because they don’t want anyone telling them how to control their health and bodies. Do you think small businesses have a money tree in their yard. What right have you to turn these businesses int police and force people not to enter. Are you going to compensate these businesses for lost takings. This Covid garbage has divided family friends neighbours and workers. How disgusting is this. Definitely no mandates.

Fran Borchert (Donnybrook , 2021-12-04)


Politicians are no longer representing the people or listening.

Nikita Cope (Ocean View , 2021-12-04)


Please see reasons listed on the petition.

Tina Bindon (CABOOLTURE , 2021-12-04)


I believe in having a choice & not being forced or coerced against my will.

Leianne Elms (Brisbane , 2021-12-04)


I'm signing to protect my freedom and the freedom of my child. Because I am bullied into a mandated vaccine that I don't want to have or lose my job.

Rochelle Keilar (Griffin , 2021-12-04)


It's my choice, I shouldn't be bullied into or discriminated against.

Kendall McAughtrie (Narangba, 2021-12-04)


I am signing because I do not believe the vaccines are as safe and effective as the government claim them to be. Given that there has only been 7 deaths in Queensland attributed to Covid 19 in nearly two years, forced vaccination is a complete over reaction to a virus with a 99.97% recovery rate. Mandating them for children as young as five years old is simply criminal.

Barry Allen (Bellmere, 2021-12-04)


Everybody is entitled and has the right to make their own choice. Human Rights!!

Angie Melville (Deception Bay, 2021-12-04)


We do not wish to live in a segregated community, whether people choose to be vaccinated or not, this should not change how they are treated due to their personal choices in regards to a medical intervention. It’s up to them if they wish to have a vaccination, just like it has been for the past however many years.
This is not a killer virus, you have a 99.9% chance of a full recovery. There is no need to push a trial vaccine onto people that don’t wish to have it.
We are asking you to stand up for ours, yours and your family’s freedom of choice.

Tracey White (Narangba, 2021-12-04)


The mandates are unjustly. It should be a choice. Everyone should have the right to be free to make their own choices and to go wherever they like.

Megan Camille (Brisbane, 2021-12-04)


I'm signing because "***** our corrupt gruberment "

Josh Crosby (Burpengary, 2021-12-04)


Because requiring a simple Rapid Antigen test is more proportionate than disqualifying unvaccinated people from freely engaging within the community.

Rune Rasmussen (Mango Hill, 2021-12-04)


I'm signing because i believe individuals have the right to make their own choice about their health. Businesses and individuals should not be discriminating and excluding individuals from employment, attending venues, events or participating in activities.

Nicole Smith (Morayfield , 2021-12-05)


I’m signing because it is time that decision like this are made by governments not ruled by fear. This issue is complex and requires an opportunity for critical scrutiny and reason.

Amy Templar (Moreton Bay, 2021-12-05)


My body, MY CHOICE

Emmanuelle Chuvan (Bulimba , 2021-12-05)


It’s all corruption at a very deep level. And I do NOT accept it n I do NOT comply with rules that is about corruption, death, manipulation, lies n much more!
Freedom, health n integrity is what I support only!

Csilla Newham (Brisbane , 2021-12-05)


I say no
This is unbelievable
Our medical choices are ours..I say no to mandates and taking away anyone’s rights and freedom
I fear for my 6 children and I’ll fight to save their futures

Rebecca Mallon (Caloundra, 2021-12-05)


I'm a local builder. I will NOT discriminate.

Joel Kime (Narangba , 2021-12-05)


I believe in free choice, human rights, inclusiveness and I am anti-discrimination.

Richard Ford (Deception Bay, 2021-12-05)


I disagree with unnecessary control, segregation and separation. The planned restriction will destroy people’s careers, relations and entire life.

Robert Glasz (Everton Hills , 2021-12-05)


I believe everyone should have a choice

Elizabeth French (Brisbane , 2021-12-05)


This is medical apartheid. I will stand to my last breath to fight this incomprehensible coercion to control people.

Yvette Wellington (Brisbane, 2021-12-05)


I believe that looking after my own health is my business. By choosing to be healthy I am inadvertently looking after the health of everyone.

Simone Phillips (Redcliffe, 2021-12-05)


I am a free citizen. One who is educated and fully capable of making my own health decisions for myself and my family. And at no point should I be discriminated against for those choices. Ultimately me not being allowed out to spend my money over Christmas and New Years eve only impacts businesses even more... not me.. I am happy to make other arrangements. As an Australian I pride myself on our inclusive welcoming open accomadating community.. what you are standing for is the complete opposite. One where segregation will become the norm.. everything I have taught my children to fight against is now being thrown in their faces. What type of a future do we stand for.. we need to unite. The statistics show this VIRUS is a virus of the old... people who have underlying health conditions. It is not my obligation to be injected by a trial drug to protect others.. the govt are using coercion and bullying tactics.. if you support this you deserve to be voted out. As you do NOT stand for the People you are meant to serve.

Kylie Kite (CABOOLTURE , 2021-12-05)


I believe in free choice

Linda Skerman (Brighton, 2021-12-05)


This is against our constitutional rights. It is a hate crime against humanity to segregate and discriminate. We need to make a stand and stop forcing people to take a medical procedure against their will.

Paula Christie (Caboolture , 2021-12-05)


this is bullshit

Rory Falls (Mackay, 2021-12-05)


I’m signing this because I’m Pro Choice

Jonelle Wakenshaw (Caboolture, 2021-12-05)


I believe each person in the community has the right to determine what they put into their body and they should not be asked medical questions from strangers, they should not lose the ability to provide for their families for making a persons choose in their medical decisions.

Bernadette Macnaught Macnaught (Warner, 2021-12-05)


I believe everybody should have a choice. Putting anything in our body and not 100% knowing what could happen is a risk and could potentially be harmful/fatal! Tragically it’s many peoples reality. I grew up knowing Australia is a place of freedom.
I’m standing up for my rights and the rights of others! Especially for the most vulnerable.

Sarah Hambling (Brisbane , 2021-12-05)


I want my freedoms back.

Tom Carruthers (Wamuran , 2021-12-05)


I believe the people of Moreton and visitors to the region should be free to enjoy all aspects the region has to offer despite their decision to vaccinate or not.

Sandy Olsen (Sherwood , 2021-12-05)


I'm signing because I should have a choice, but when my job of 19 years is threatened that takes my choice away . It is beyond wrong .. people know that the government is not being open and tell us the truth . I just want to keep my job and have the choice not to be vaccinated yet

Jo Henwood (Maryborough , 2021-12-05)


Are we to permit outsiders to come and take the employment from locals purely because of an unlawful act by Government to coerce businesses to mandate a vaccine which is designed not to protect against contracting, carrying or spreading a virus but only to boost personal immune systems and mitigate personal symptoms if one was to contract the SARS-CoV2 virus? I think not..

Amanda Faux (Caboolture, 2021-12-05)


I valuemy rights as an Australian citizen and the rights of all Australian citizens. The Council so far have shown absolute contempt towards their electors, the people of the region. This must change now!

Gregory Blomfield (Morayfield, 2021-12-05)


I strongly believe in bodily autonomy.

Christina Hill (Griffin, 2021-12-05)


We have the right for our freedom of choice. We choose what is best for our lives and our families lives. Businesses should NOT be put in the position to police such discriminatory rules. Freedom of choice for everyone
Peadophiles are placed in protection from the community to not be discriminated against for their crimes against children but everyday people are being discriminated against for not having a procedure they are against. This is not ok and I do not support medical apartheid or segregation.

Renee Davis (Griffin, 2021-12-05)


I believe in free choice. Let the people decide

Patricia Dowling (Lawnton, 2021-12-05)


I am a concerned business owner and father in the Moreton Bay community.

Kalon Payne (Caboolture, 2021-12-05)


This mandate is wrong!

Nadine Missenden (Arana Hills, 2021-12-05)


I’m a business owner in the Moreton shire and believe in pro choice for all

Tracey Mooney (Dayboro, 2021-12-05)


Because this is effecting the livelihoods of my entire household and extended family in the region. Mental health issues are increasing and I fear for my loved ones and business owners.

Mikaela Waqa (Narangba, 2021-12-05)


Everyone as a human being have right to have a choice and not be discriminated in Australia!!!

Julija Kolega Halilovic (Sandstone point, 2021-12-05)


I believe every individual has the right to decide what to put in their body and every business should have the right to not discriminate against anyone. It is also wrong for individuals to be forced into having a vaccine they don’t want because it’s their only option to continue to be employed

Paula Snow (Redcliffe , 2021-12-05)


Nobody can threaten or coerce a person into getting a medical treatment without fully informed consent. That consent cannot be given as the public has been misled and lied to. The MBRC has a duty to do no harm and the evidence is clear, the vaccine rollout has caused harm.

Erica Goodman (Deception Bay, 2021-12-06)


I stand for Informed Consent, especially for a Provisionally Registered, not fully tested, low efficacy vaccine (in name only)

Karen Miller (Scarborough , 2021-12-06)


I believe this

Sharon Gee (Kallangur, 2021-12-06)


I believe society should not be segregated and people discriminated against.

Nicole Edwards (Lawnton, 2021-12-06)


I’m signing because I believe in human rights and in people having a choice.

Eryn James (Deception Bay, 2021-12-06)


I strongly believe in this!

Tammy Gifford (Kallangur, 2021-12-06)


I believe it is segregation and highly unlawful what the government is doing for mandates

Judy MOULYNOX (Morayfield , 2021-12-06)


People’s choice/rights

Andrew Gifford (Kallangur , 2021-12-06)