Don't make an Environmental Disaster Worse, Demand a Full Environmental Impact Report!



There needs to be a full EIR and disclosure.

JENNIFER ASHLEY (Long Beach, 2020-12-14)


I live one block for the site and my children attend Los Cerritos Elementary.

Matthew Bowman (Long Beach, 2020-12-15)


I’m signing because this is the right thing to do! Time and time again we the citizens of Long Beach have been left out of the decisions that affect us most! Enough is enough! We demand this report take place for the safety and well being of all of us!

Rhina Ovalle (Long Beach, 2020-12-15)


I want to see the River developed into parkland and recreation use as promised

Andrew Williams (Long Beach, 2020-12-15)


I'm signing because it matters. Let's rethink this MATTER 🤫🤔

Shelia Landefeld (Long Beach, 2020-12-15)


The severe environmental issues associated with this site must be evaluated to protect the public and those that live and recreate nearby.

Laurie Angel (Long Beach, 2020-12-15)


Due to past use and contaminated soil an EIR is needed.

Lynette Ferenczy (Long Beach , 2020-12-15)


Besides this petition's specific concerns, I am signing it also because unfortunately the kind of official dereliction and misconduct which prompts the petition is not unique. Personally, and as a director of CARP, I am fed up with a Long Beach city scofflaw 'planning' process - as conducted consistently by elected officials, City Hall staff and appointed commissioners - which deliberately treats provisions of the decades-old California Environmental Quality Act as meriting only their disregard - whether from pretended or actual ignorance - or at best as an obstructionist set of meaningless pro forma documentation requirements, rather than as helpful and necessary components of enlightened planning and policy.

Joseph Weinstein (Long Beach, CA, 2020-12-15)


I feel that an environmental study needs to be completed before a decision is reached regarding land use.

Mary Ann Melford (Long Beach, 2020-12-15)


we need to protect this already abused but vulnerable corridor. trees to buffer sound and air quality issues. not more exhaust, concrete, buildings reflecting heat. it's a terrible use for the space.

Kelli Johnson (Long Beach, 2020-12-15)


This is of great concern to me since we use the park and live in the area.

Anthony Chacon (Long Beach, 2020-12-15)


Environmental Impact Reports are important to the surrounding areas! Nothing this substantial, especially in this particular area, should be built without checking environmental safety!

Mary Barton (Long Beach, 2020-12-16)


We just don't need any things messing with our health or environment.

Tamara Young (Long Beach, 2020-12-16)


The proposed project calls for the development of a brownfield site, which is currently open space. Meaning, more asphalt that creates urban heat island effect and potentially, contaminated rainwater runoff (contaminated from proposed use into the neighboring watershed). The viewsheds from Del Mar Avenue, Los Cerritos Elementary School, Los Cerritos Park, and even from the Wardlow section of the Metro Blue Line will be severely and irrevocably affected. This is a shortsighted approach.

I am advocating for the long-term health of our neighborhood and future generations. There is currently work in and along the LA River watershed to clean it up, to make it a functional ecosystem, navigable, and once again, part of the fabric of the LA Basin. The City of Long Beach benefits from this movement in many ways. The cleanliness of the LA River watershed will mean a cleaner bay, beach, and ocean; the quality of life around the river, along with the values of neighboring properties will go up. The attempt to circumvent these efforts through development--especially in the City of Long Beach, where we profess to be a "green" city--is disheartening.

With concern to environmental equity, the eastern side of Long Beach has seventeen times more acreage dedicated to parks and open space than the west side (of Long Beach). The City should work with the community, in conjunction with Federal, State, and Local Agencies to address what will really benefit our communities--more parkland, wetlands, and open space to serve as the lungs of our neighborhoods--to mitigate existing air quality concerns and open space inequity. There will never be another opportunity for the city to acquire and develop this many acres for green space in West Long Beach.

E. Tucci (Long Beach, 2020-12-16)


I am concerned about lack of community input and transparency.

Myra Hillburg (Long Beach, 2020-12-16)


I am totally against this development so near Los Cerritos School and the lovely peaceful beautiful Los Cerritos park.
I attended Los Cerritos elementary during the 1950s and my daughter attended it during the 1980s. Please continue to keep this community peaceful.

Carli Steers (Long Beach, 2020-12-17)


I am concerned that the Pacific Park Project began grading before the correct permits in place. In addition, there has never been an EIR, only a Negative Declaration. This needs to happen before this project can move forward.

Serena Steers (Long Beach , 2020-12-17)


I'm signing this petition as I am in agreement with all of the issues listed. Of particular concern are those seven (7) issues referred to as "alarming"which cover the apparent tacit blessing given the developer to proceed without having final approval(s) or required reports. Are there any written approvals??
The project needs to be STOPPED NOW and a FULL EIR performed.

Regina Taylor (Long Beach, 2020-12-17)


More information should be gathered

David Garcia (Long beach, 2020-12-17)


We're not doing enough to address climate change caused by burning fossils as if there are no consequences.

Joseph Brown (Newark, 2020-12-17)


A full EIR must be done. Responsibility is to the existing residents and their safety, not to a developer.

Joyce Schwartz (Nuevo , 2020-12-17)


I live nearby and my kids go to school at Los Cerritos Elementary. I am alarmed that this project could be rushed through without thorough planning and consideration, and without regard for the health of residents the kids who go to school there.

Naomi Leiserowitz (Long Beach, 2020-12-17)


I'm signing this petition because the council's planned is very flawed and should not happen.

Jane Nadeau (Long Beach, 2020-12-18)


I care about the health and safety of the community and feel more in-depth studies need to be completed before this is approved

Bridget Taylor (Long beach, 2020-12-18)


The creeks and riparian areas are refuge for many endangered species snd they are life spending groundwater replenishes as well as life spending surface waters for all life. These areas are in fire need if protection from development

Patricia Lind (City if Shasta lake, 2020-12-18)


Without a full EIR report we are putting the future health of our families at risk. I have a 1 year old daughter, and believe me I do not take this lightly. Neither should you. This is a huge liability that the city of Long Beach does not want to take on.

Marlene Martinez (Long Beach, 2020-12-18)


There should be no further development of this property without p publicly disclosed full EIR. There should be adequate time provided for the public to respond to the EIR.

Carina Lister (Long Beach, 2020-12-18)


The west side of Long Beach has poor air quality and are in need of more trees and green space to counter the environmental issues.

Corliss Lee (Long Beach, 2020-12-18)


I'm a homeowner.

Jorge Gonzalez (Long Beach, 2020-12-18)


I'm signing because we take our small children to Los Cerritos Park and we live in the neighborhood.

Anna Macsalka (Long Beach, 2020-12-18)


I’m a home owner in the immediate are and I’m concerned about the idea of a large storage facility and its impact on traffic, the nearby school, children, health quality during construction and negative impact on home values. As a real estate broker, I know a item like this will negatively impact property values.

Justin Potier (Long Beach, 2020-12-18)


We need to be assured that any and all toxins, pollutants or unsafe issues are not a danger to the residents or anyone using the property.

Denny Kagasoff (Long Beach, 2020-12-19)


The west side of LB deserves open spaces too.

Laura Isabel Serna (Long Beach, 2020-12-19)


My child’s health and safety at Los Cerritos Elementary

May Bee (Long Beach, 2020-12-20)


I care

Victoria Farley (Lompoc, 2020-12-21)


Long Beach needs the green space.
Our air quality has deteriorated . Good old green plants will help. We don’t need asphalt heat.

Jeanie Mehlsack (Long Beach, 2020-12-22)


It's time to start doing the right thing.

Michael Vaccaro (Long Beach, CA, 2020-12-22)


I’m signing because I am a concerned neighbor.

Carol Bartels (Long Beach, 2020-12-23)


I live very near this area and it affects where I live.

Jeff Slayton (Long Beach, 2020-12-24)


I am signing to encourage the City to rake the right and correct path and require a full EIR for this project which will have a lasting and negative impact on the City’s residents.

Michael Rojas (Long Beach, 2020-12-27)


I am signing because it is vitally important that we conserve the few green spaces left in our city. Our proximity to the port, highways and the refineries make this particular region even more critical to sustain as a green space.

Alicia Estrada (Long Beach, 2020-12-28)


We need a park

George Young (Long Beach , 2020-12-28)


We want a park. A green space. Trees. Not a parking lot.

Mariah Cool (Long Beach, 2020-12-28)


We are Wrigley residents and want our neighborhood to be as safe and clean as humanly possible for ourselves and our children. We work hard to have a beautiful house and we want to love our neighborhood, not dream of leaving it because it is dirty and unsafe.

Marina Perea (Long beach, 2020-12-29)


I'm signing because, with the proximity of the LB Port,, LA Port, 405 Fwy, & 710 Fwy, an environmental impact report is the least that should be done before making decision.

Marietta Hoodye (Long Beach , 2020-12-29)


We need the green space. Equity is needed here.

Michaela Quinby (Long Beach, 2020-12-29)


I concerned there is a lack of an environmental impact report and or proper hazmat clean up in this area prior to construction.

Edward Mcauley (Long Beach, 2020-12-29)


I want to keep our neighborhood with green space to enjoy. Health reasons for the neighborhood.

Laura Pollard (Long Beach, 2020-12-29)


I ultimately want that space to be a park, and I want any use of it to be carefully supervised due to its history as a toxic waste dumpsite.

Craig Sauer (Long Beach, 2020-12-29)


The city needs to support full transparency in this process. Residents need information.

Genevieve Zuidervaart (Long Beach, 2020-12-29)


I want a more green investment in the city of Long Beach.

Heather Mansell (Long Beach, 2020-12-29)


I’ve been a Los Cerritos resident for 45 years and we need more green space on this side of town.

Devon Trunnelle (Long Beach, 2020-12-29)


I am signing this because I don’t want a trailer park that will attract more homeless in our neighborhood. We were told it would be green space for public use not a homeless encampment behind our park and school .

Kimberly Greene (Long Beach, 2020-12-29)


I am a teacher at Los Cerritos Elementary and am concerned about the hazards to students and staff.

Dianne Swanson (Long Beach, 2020-12-29)


I’m new to the community and see this as a rash money making decision by the local government.

Christopher Whe (Long Beach, 2020-12-30)


Environmental impacts to the community should be addressed.

Connie Lizarrags (Long Beach , 2020-12-30)


This will directly impact my home’s property value and the view from my front yard. I am very concerned about the environmental impact of this development and the toxic waste that is on the site contaminating our ground water.

Monica Cummings (Long Beach , 2020-12-30)


This directly impacts me as I can see the site from my front porch and my backyard. I am worried about the environmental impact of the toxic waste and the displacement of wildlife and destruction of green space without proper permits.

monica cummings (Long Beach, 2020-12-30)


I am concerned about the environment and our future.

Charlotte Blaire (Long Beach, 2020-12-31)


I saw yellow dirt being moved by bulldozers the other day. This did not look like “healthy” dirt to me. I exercise in Los Cerritos Park several times a week. I live nearby. I don’t want to breathe in yellow dirt. I don’t thing the developer should be moving this dirt and piling it up without proper permits and precautions to protect nearby residents. I think there is insufficient traffic flow for the proposed RV and Storage Yard. I think green space and wetlands restoration should be fully considered.

Charlene Wynne (Long Beach, 2020-12-31)


This must be an open and transparent process. The issues are too serious to ignore.

Steve Boyer (Long Beach, 2020-12-31)


We need more park space and we do not need this to be an RV storage facility!

Eugenie Young (Long Beach, 2021-01-01)


I’m signing because of the environmental impact and potential harms that may result by allowing premature development to take place on this site.

Michele Bishop (Long Beach, 2021-01-01)


This is wrong. This area was PAID for and promised. Where is the money that was paid for? Who has it?

Cynthia Wong (Westminster, 2021-01-01)


Pave paradise and put up a parking lot... Sad state of affairs that city values industry tax dollars over health and value to the community.

Eric Solomon (Long Beach, 2021-01-01)


The city of Long Beach can do much better with this parcel than converting a riverside open space into a giant parking lot. As envisioned this project is short sighted and goes against the best interests of the citizens of Long Beach.

David Dingman (Long Beach, 2021-01-01)


No RV Park. Wrigley heights needs a recreational park

Thomas Hamilton (Long Beach, 2021-01-02)


I am a concerned resident.

Cynthia Tovar (Long Beach, 2021-01-02)


I think a full EIR is warranted and that no further development or or work should be done on the site until it is carried out and the results of the EIR are shared and considered by the community.

Julia Smith (Long Beach, 2021-01-02)


This project will bring more traffic and toxic air emissions to an area that’s already heavily polluted.

Padric Gleason Gonzales (Long Beach, 2021-01-02)


Necessity of full EIR

Robert Linden (Long Beach, 2021-01-02)


this land should be used for community enjoyment

Billy Mitchell (Long Beach, 2021-01-02)

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