The Argument against Nuclear Power as Sustainable for Finance



I fully agree with the content

Franz Stelzer (Graz, 2022-01-07)


Weil die Zeit drängt!

gunther nikodem (steyr, 2022-01-07)


I'm really excited in Circular Economy, and nuclear power is the wrong direction.

Andreas Hargassner (Neulengbach, 2022-01-07)


As a human rights activist for indigenous peoples I am always frustrated that the beginning of the nuclear chain - uranium mining and is consequences for the local peoples (in most cases indigenous peoples) is not considered in the process. If you consider the system limits from the cradle (uranium mining) to the grave (storage of nucles waste) there is no way to argue that nuclear power is CO2 .neutral.

Peter Schwarzbauer (Vienna, 2022-01-07)


nuclear fusion power station acceptable, if: NO Subsidies given AND obligatory insurance paid for recycling nuclear waste and potential SuperGAUs!!!!

Dietmar Poeschl (Tefls, 2022-01-07)


Nuclear power is not and never environment friendly!

Enzio Wetzel (Munich, 2022-01-08)


Nuclear power is not safe

Dorothea Müller (Wien, 2022-01-08)


Ich mache mir Sorgen um die Umwelt.

Karin Kristl (Theissl, 2022-01-08)


I'm signing because nuclear power is not sustainable. It is a significant harm for mankind and nature.

Rainer Kronberger (Vienna, 2022-01-08)


I 'm afraid of loosing the chances to change the worse situation for my my grandchildren.

Ruth Rindlisbacher (Villach, 2022-01-08)


Nuclear power is dangerous, expensiv and problematical. Long time lasting emmisions all in all cost more than destroying nuclear power stations alll over the world. This is a green washing initiative of the EU-commision. It's enough with Tchernobil and Fukushima! Switch off nuclear power instead of supporting it with money that is nessesary for much more important attempts to secure the future of our children!

Michael Meyer (Dornbirn, 2022-01-08)


In Summe sind die Kosten für Atomstrom weitaus höher als die für jede andere Energie. Staaten, die an anderen Nutzungen der Atomenergie interessiert sind, sollen dies ohne den Deckmantel der Energieversorgung im Sinne der Nachhaltigkeit tun und nicht staatlich subventioniert werden.

Alfred Ertl (Hartberg, 2022-01-08)


I agree.

Jan Hennix (Morjärv, 2022-01-08)


Gillar inte kärnkraft.

Stefan Johansson (LuleÅ, 2022-01-08)


Ich kann es gar nicht glauben, dass eine Technologie, gegen die ich schon als Jugendliche in den 1970er Jahren in Deutschland auf die Straße gegangen bin, nun in dieser Form schöngeredet wird - wirklich empörend!

Johanna Coulin (Wien, 2022-01-08)


I personally know scientists whom I trust and who say that not only nuclear power will stay too great a risk for mankind, but, above that , it is economically not efficient.

Ilse Kleinschuster (Vienna, 2022-01-08)


Atomenergy is deadly and insecure as WE can see in Tschernobyl and Fukoshima

Stella WITTMANN (Wien, 2022-01-08)


The dangers far outweigh the (spurious) benefits.

Gloria Burd (Sunnyvale, 2022-01-08)


I'm against the nuclear power.

Hideyuki BAN (TOkyo, 2022-01-09)


I'm signing because nuclear power is far from the solution of the climate change and the sustainable energy. Thinking about the real happiness and safe world for our future generation, we should stop using nuke energy first.

Ayuko Nakagawa (Tokyo, 2022-01-09)


Nuclear power is dangerous in case of accident and there is still no solution for handling finally high radioactive waste. Thats going to be the problem of next generations

Brigitte Fischer-Ogrisegg (Sankt Gilgen, 2022-01-09)


nuclear power is not green, it it is green washing. I fear lobbying and now too late for consequent action to change the climate change

Isolde Lernbass (Tulln, 2022-01-09)


Nuclear power can never be considered as sustainable nor environmentally friendly!

Jörgen Myhrman (Åtvidaberg, 2022-01-09)


nuclear energy is a threat to the future of humanity

Wolfgang Hein (Wien, 2022-01-09)


Nuclearenergy is too dangerous, has humanity learned nothing from Fukushima and Tschernobyl? Landscapes devastated for centuries!!!! And no one can garantuee that it does not happen again!

Ingrid Arias (Vienna, 2022-01-09)


It makes no sense to consider TODAY that nuclear plants do not significantly harm the environment, when their dangerous waste will remain highly radioactive for thousands of generations to come. We probably will not even know until 2050 if deep geological repositories will really work. If they don't, what will happen to all the radioactive waste produced in the meantime? How can this be considered sustainable?

Lorenzo Consoli (Bruxelles, 2022-01-09)


Nuclear Power is the most dangerous plant.
It is the most dirty system for our environnment.

Akira Ikegami (Tokyo, 2022-01-10)


...nuclear power is completely over. with that we would destroy the conscious-work about the renewal energy era in seconds.

Hanna Bartuschek (Kautzen, 2022-01-10)


This wil not bring us closer to the necessary transformation to avoid climate change

Ariane Schmelzenbart (Vienna, 2022-01-10)

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