People of New Zealand opposed to WHO Pandemic Treaty 28/05/22



I don't believe an international organisation should supercede government (which is meant to work for the people) or have control over what happens to citizens of a country. They do not work for the citizens and can't be held accountable by the citizens

TYSON MOORE (Auckland , 2023-06-01)


I'm signing because I believe the WHO are not a democratically voted body so are not in charge of myself as a tax paying citizen of this country



Because no one should have this much control over living man or women. Where there is harm their should be choice. Our country , men and women should stay free to choice their own health and what goes into their body, no organization should ever have this power, with great powers like this comes corrupt.

Tonya Waters (Matamata , 2023-06-01)


I don't want to live in fear of being controlled by a World Health Organization.

MARGARET O'CALLAGHAN (Christchurch , 2023-06-01)


I believe NZ should function democratically.
Our health sovereignty should not be abrogated by politicians who haven't asked us what we, the people desire. I do not want global totalitarianism.

STEPHEN GEE (Auckland , 2023-06-02)


It’s very concerning that the unelected organisation the WHO to have ANY regulatory effect on human health.

ADAM FREE (Auckland , 2023-06-02)


We live in a democracy, not a dictatorship, and on important decisions like this it is up to the majority of the country to decide, not a select few.



Evil needs to be stopped

Moewai Hamilton (Lower Hutt , 2023-06-02)


I don't agree with the who or anyone else having that power over my country.

Janet Comins (Waikato, 2023-06-02)


The WHO is unelected organization by NZ, Their ideology and propaganda doesn't suit my self, my family, my friends and as far as i know our NZ nation . We don't need them. We are fully capable to manage ourselfs with better standards the the WHO is trying to show us.

DARIUSZ KRAKOWIAK (Christchurch, 2023-06-02)


I do not agree to sign over to anyone who has not been elected, my souvereignity or my country’s souvereignity

Delia Van der Vyvuer (Napier, 2023-06-02)


We must not give away our right to say no to unelected unacountable bureaucrats. The WHO has made a huge balls up of the Covid fiasco. They must not be given more powers!! All countries and populations have their own conditions. Each country has the right and the need to pursue their own actions to suit.

Julie Adlam (New Plymouth, 2023-06-02)


I am concerned that the proposed changes released by the WHO Pandemic Treaty 28/05/2022 inconjunction with lack of open debate and current insights into WHO mismanagement based on poor scientific rigour with regard to the Covid-19 pandemic, places health and well-being in jeopardy. Currently the WHO is not fit for purpose and seeks powers beyond that which we require of it.

CHRISTINE GALBRAITH (Balclutha, 2023-06-02)


It is unrealistic to have WHO decide what is right for every country on this planet. We are independent nations and the people of each country have the right to choose what is happening for them ... not some people who don't even live there. Why have government if they have no rights or voice over some of the most important decisions that affect their nation?

Patricia Wood (Timaru, 2023-06-02)


I wish to retain personal and national sovereignty over medical choices, not give it up to an unelected ,unaccountable foreign organisation with a very questionable motive.

Karen Roberts (Auckland , 2023-06-02)


The WHO are not elected, not do they represent anybody from New Zealand.
I do not consent to having my freedoms taken away by men and women when I have done nothing wrong in the sight of God.

Wayne Mounsey (Waitara, 2023-06-02)


I want to live. I do not want the Satanists at WHO, who are intent on murdering as many People as they can Worldwide, to have any influence over my health or life.



I believe that full disclosure about this treaty needs to be shared with the public & then granted the rights to vote on it

Judy Keats (Auckland , 2023-06-02)


I do not give the unelected WHO any permission to tell me what is a disease or pandemic or force me to take any measures and behave in any way or take any medication that I do not want. I give them NO authority whatsoever and do not recognise or agree to any rights they may claim over my sovereign state and human rights as declared by pre-covid pandemic definitions. I opt out and I say NO to the WHO and its representatives.

RACHEL DERHAM (Auckland, 2023-06-02)


I do not agree with this WHO treaty for pandemic response and will not support this

Aphrodite Hannah (Auckland, 2023-06-03)


I disagree with the way in which the WHO and governments around the world responded to the Covid-19 illness. Lies and false information we’re spread by government bodies as well as the WHO harming thousands of people worldwide. It is an overreach into the lives of the people dominated by the harsh measures taken in the attempt to stop the illness which now evidence clearly shows was not as bad as first indicated. The forceful push to use an experimental product to remedy the situation also has harmed thousands of people. Decision making by those at the WHO were extreme and dangerous.

LISA BLANCHFIELD (Auckland, 2023-06-03)


New Zealand is a sovereign nation and as such should manage all our own affairs.



My body is my authority and not property of a non elected group.

RINA KOLLEN (Lawrence, 2023-06-03)


Keeping health decisions personal.

EMMA GREENSLADE (Auckland , 2023-06-03)


Democracy is clothed in wolves' clothing and WHO shojld not have ANY rights to dictate to the world. No one voted them into power over the world.

FIONA MEAD (Auckland, 2023-06-04)


I believe the NZ public should be informed and have a say in something which will affect their lives so significantly.



First Do No Harm!
Every-Body has a choice to do what they feel is right for their own body & not be coerced, mandated or otherwise.
One group of people should not be responsible for the entire world's health.

Kimmie K (Northland, 2023-06-04)


It's important to retain personal sovereignty.



This is giving away our sovereignty . New Zealand needs to keep this and not let us be controlled by a world body like the W.H.O



I am fed up with the scare mongering, the damage from overreaction and the lack of personal responsibility.
Focus on being healthy, good treatment for the sick, not experimental drugs to line the pockets of the elites.

VIVIENNNE CURTIS (Nelson, 2023-06-04)


It is most important to protect individual dignity and freedoms.

Venessa Darroll (Helensville, 2023-06-04)


Each individual has the freedom to make their own decisions regarding their general health and the health of their children. Governments use scare techniques to control the masses installing more fear and panic in an already stressed society.

Cheryl Fritz (Durban, 2023-06-04)



KATE MARIJETICH (Auckland , 2023-06-04)


I am very concerned with the ramifications of these amendments with the W.H.O. I believe we as a country should be in control of our own health policies.

DEBBIE SHEPHERD (Auckland , 2023-06-05)


I do not want the corrupt WHO which had one job & failed to acknowledge The Wuhan virus allowing it to be exported around the world. They are political captured & lead by a marxist war criminal Tedros( non medical doctor) who human rights watch issued over 100 page report on crimes against humanity in Ethiopia where he used food aid as a weapon against his own people. I will not recognise WHOs authority over my nation sovereignty, I don’t consent to WHO charging a percentage of our countries GDP for a membership to an unwanted authoritarian medical tyranny dictatorship. I do not agree that WHO should have diplomatic immunity, I do not agree the WHO should be exempt from taxes, I do not agree The WHO should have the power to declare an medical emergency/ pandemic on what ever & when ever they decide, I do not agree that the WHO should have the power to enforce lockdowns & forced experimental medication against the Geneva convention by using United Nations and NATO enforcement.
I do not agree that WHO should exist.

SHAWN BLANCHFIELD (Auckland , 2023-06-05)


WHO has no right to decide what is and what isn't a disease, pandemic or any other health related matter that is followed by mandated behaviours, protocols, drugs or any other form of judgement and control. Stop this insidious erosion of our human right to choose for ourselves.

SHELLEY LEWIS (Auckland, 2023-06-05)


I think the entire population needs to be involved in any decisions regarding health before handing over to the unelected officials at WHO to make such decisions for us.



Im unvaxxed and i have seen what the whole chemical trial program bull crap has done to the people. Children and elderly either died or or injured.Myself i lost my job, because i said one simple to letter word. NO!!!!

johnson Brown (Kalgoorlie WA, 2023-06-06)


It is a dangerous treaty for humanity

LARA SIMMONS (Matamata , 2023-06-07)


I totally disagree with the who s proposed changes their handling of the covid virus was totally inadequate riddled with missinformation and unresearched decisions

NICHOLAS CUMMING (Whangarei, 2023-06-07)


External control of health care in New Zealand.

David McCrary (Paeroa, 2023-06-07)


There is a clear and present danger of handing over our national and personal sovereignty to an internationl entity that can and probably will enforce it's own agender on the population

TIMOTHY STEWART (Christchurch, 2023-06-07)


The WHO are unelected and funded by dubious forced. I don't want them making medical decisions for me or anyone else.

Tom Hunsdale (Auckland , 2023-06-07)


I believe our national sovereignty and my individual sovereignty is under threat by the amendments outlined by the WHO treaty which will dictate decisions best left to those they directly concern.

JAMES GARDNER (Hamilton, 2023-06-07)


Because the world health organisation should be about health not surveillance, because they have decided they are the guru of mis information, because they changed the word recommendation to mean obligation and because no one can be held accountable! Massive unspoken Agenda!

CHERIE FARROW (Auckland, 2023-06-08)


People should have the right to bodily autonomy, not be dictated to and controlled as to what experimental treatments they must take. Having global control over what citizens of a country do is wrong, unethical, and unjust. We, the people did not elect the WHO as our health dictators, they do not represent us. To have an International Health Treaty such that overrides our Bill of Rights is also unethical and unjust. New Zealand needs to reject the Treaty and remain independent.

YANINA PURCELL (Taukau, 2023-06-08)


I do not want an unelected body dictating what happens in our country, this is not a democracy. And given that Bill & Melinda Gates foundation is the second biggest donor allowing them to determine how the funds are spent, this is putting the wellbeing of our people and our country in this mans hands, no thanks. The WHO is no longer about health, it's about vaccinate and control, which is a complete over reach. I do not consent

ATHINA ANDONATOU (Auckland, 2023-06-08)


I believe all New Zealanders should be made aware of this and be given a chance to voice an opinion about it



NZ needs to keep its sovereignty and not be controlled by wider powers

Karen Douglas (Auckland , 2023-06-08)


I am opposing all involvement with the WHO



WHO is not needed. We are a sovereign democratic nation that can make its own decisions

Denise Renshaw (Cambridge , 2023-06-08)


I refuse to be controlled by a fringe minority of dangerous psychopaths whose only mission is to destroy our freedom & rights

SHERYL MAIN (THAMES, 2023-06-08)


WHO do not represent our country or the best interests of it. They are not an independent organisation nor are they elected representatives of our nation. This Treaty suspends our own sovereignty in favour of private interests.

Ani Pitman (Whangarei, 2023-06-08)


I am against the government signing of the WHO Pandemic, prevention and preparedness treaty.

MARK HOBSON (Auckland, 2023-06-08)


The who is a corrupt dictatorship that has no place in nz

Debra Sauvarin (Auckland , 2023-06-08)


I believe the more hands off WEF and WHO the safer the globe will be. These bodies have not been elected to do this, by the people and any govt signing countries up to there plans is doing so without full consultation with the people.

Wendy Maggs (Taupo, 2023-06-08)


Every person has the right to choose which medical treatments to take. No organisation or government should every have this control.

HEIDI THONIG (Auckland, 2023-06-09)


We should be independent in NZ from the WHO

Frans van de Weerd (Hamilton, 2023-06-09)


We the people have a right to have a say before a bill like this is passed.

Lanell Monreal (auckland, 2023-06-09)


I do not believe we should enter the beginning of this as it may well lead to edicts in the future

Angela Olsen (Auckland, 2023-06-09)


Defund the WHO and charge any politicians involved with treason.

Gopal Harlow (Auckland, 2023-06-09)


I agree with the sentiment of the petition

Sebastian Gawlik (Hamilton , 2023-06-09)


Clear message to Parliament

Michael HOLLAND (HANILTON, 2023-06-09)


We are a sovereign nation and only elected people can govern NZ

Jeannine De Vere Hunt (WHANGAREI , 2023-06-09)


Because I don't appreciate being told what to do by unelected officials with no legitimate data or research, and overly harsh measures.

Willie Komene (Hamilton , 2023-06-09)


I do not feel an international organisation should have any power over our country, We can make our own decisions

DIANA AYSON (Auckland, 2023-06-09)


I do not agree WHO is trust worthy organization.
I do not want my country supporting or implementing their strategies or policies.

MANDY HOSKIN (Auckland, 2023-06-09)


I believe in body sovereignty,my body my choice

Bruce White (Auckland , 2023-06-09)


It's treasonous to allow corporations control over sovereign states

Benson Cameron (Wellington , 2023-06-10)


Democratic choice

RICHARD DAGG (Orewa, Auckland, 2023-06-10)


I don't think we should sign away our rights and freedoms to an unelected overseas organisation who could enforce severe controls on NZ and it's people without our consent.

Sandra King (Auckland, 2023-06-10)


I do not want to be controlled by the WHO!

Vicki Vranjes (Mangawhai, 2023-06-10)


I'm very concerned about the WHO Pandemic Treaty and believe there are too many unforseen issues that will have massive ramifications on our individual human rights if this goes ahead.

DON HIRA (Upper Hutt, 2023-06-10)


more information needs to be supplied to all New Zealand and put to a public vote before any Government signs up!

Allan & Galina Brown (Auckland, 2023-06-10)


We don't need it, we don't want it, and we wont have governments or NGO's selling our rights and freedoms "for our own good"!

JOY HOGAN (Northland , 2023-06-10)


We don't require this neither do we want it

John holland (Hamilton , 2023-06-10)


I do not want NZ to sign this Treaty I disagree with the amendments.

Sarah Spurway (Auckland , 2023-06-10)


WHO isn't at a organization that has any best interests for humanity

Jaz Sangha (Henderson, 2023-06-11)


Who are corrupt? !!

Jackie Rawlings (Hamilton, 2023-06-11)


The citizens of New Zealand should be able to vote on whether the NZ government to sign on to Who pandemic treaty

ANTONIO THOMPSON ( , 2023-06-11)


As a living woman, I do not give any government or international body consent or jurisdiction over my right as a living being to medical autonomy, to travel freely, my right to shelter, food and ability to earn a living in the manner I wish. I did not vote for this initiative and I did not vote for 1 person (Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus) to have control over my home land (NZ) and its execution of medical or military initiatives.

Amber Blakesley (Hastings , 2023-06-11)


I don’t want NZ to sign the pandemic treaty. There should be a public referendum for the people of NZ to be firstly honestly informed of all the implications of this treaty and vote on this if they want it. I oppose this treaty of the WHO.

ELVIRA VAN DER WAAY (Takaka , 2023-06-11)


The WHO are not an elected body and the Nz government have no mandate from the NZ Public to sign away our human rights to freedom of movement freedom of speech and body autonomy.

Nicola Basham (Golden Bay, 2023-06-11)


I want decisions about health to stay in NZ.

caroline joyce (Te Awamutu, 2023-06-11)


The population of NZ need FULL disclosure of what our government is signing upto and why it is deemed necessary

PAULINE TASKER (Golden+Bay, 2023-06-11)


I do not believe in communism. Go shove your agenda.

ALLISON WARD (Whangarei , 2023-06-11)


As a souvreign being I am opposed to any Treaty involvement outside the borders of our country without it first go through a binding public referendum.

CHRISTINE PENROSE (Masterton , 2023-06-11)


These amendments give WHO too much power and the eligible voting public of NZ have not been educated nor consulted concerning the obligations New Zealand would be bound to by ratifying these amendments



The C19 Pandemic was obviously a fraud to anyone with eyes, and These unelected orgs such as the WHO are dangerous, the treaty and digital passports tied to health are anti Freedom Orwellian BS

kent sanderson (whangarei, 2023-06-12)


Public health is better dealt with in a decentralized way. Global health authorities projected their own disinformation on about every aspect of Covid. It got an F in my opinion. I am all for retaining our own sovereignty and for uncensored, democratic discussion as the best future protection.

Grace Coulter (Taupo, 2023-06-12)


The WHO and this pandemic treaty is this government selling out our very right to breathe, and selling it into the hands of people who have stated we are useless feeders to them that they want to kill.
It is nothing short of mass genocide.
I oppose this in all its forms including this sham of a treaty!

LISA SMITH (Auckland, 2023-06-12)


WHO is currently compromised. Currently Receiving funding from organizations and foundations who do not support democracy, freedom or sovereignty. WHO is supporting a digital ID system, with central bank digital currency, 15 minute cities, Pharmaceutical industry medications and health care, loss of privately owned housing and farming. If you are not compliant in their required medical, climate change (carbon credits), gender mutilations and land theft then you will be penalized. Each country must retain it sovereignty - managed by governments that are put into place by the people of that land. No to global one world government.

Julia Lee (Rangiora, 2023-06-12)


I do not want the World Health organisation to have any power over NewZealanders under the guise of a ‘pandemic’ or any other matter. WE the women, men and our boys and girls must retain our rights and freedoms for ourselves and our future generations.

NARELLE TAYLOR (Auckland, 2023-06-12)


The WHO is a criminal organization led by criminal Tedros !

Adrianus van der Leden (Lawrence, 2023-06-12)



MARION TOWNS (Nelson , 2023-06-12)


I do not support entering into international agreements that would reduce the country's ability to formulate a response to any future health crisis independent of any supra national body.

Nicholas Hancox (Wellington, 2023-06-12)


New Zealand is a sovereign nation. Our rights cannot be signed away.

SABINE Scholl (Paraparaumu, 2023-06-12)


There should be a public voting about this treaty.

SYLVIA SPANN (Auckland , 2023-06-12)


I am a worried citizen of this country, worried about my freedoms, choices being taking away by un elected people in organizations that arent about health.



I'm signing because this treaty is putting too much power and control in the hands of the WHO, and removing our own sovereignty.

DAVID FERN (Auckland , 2023-06-12)


I’m sick, literally from this invasion of my health from the Vaccine. Stop all this madness. What is the world coming to? No to WHO.

Jacqueline Jensen (Dunedin, 2023-06-12)


I am signing because it is against a democracy for a delegate to sign away our sovereign rights to an unelected, unaccountable body without New Zealand citizens and all our government representatives to have the opportunity to discuss and debate the implications.

There has been neither parliamentary debate nor any attempt to fully inform the citizens of New Zealand of these wide ranging changes to our democracy. The majority of New Zealand citizens have no idea of what fell deeds are in play.

Since, I believe 1948 an appointed delegate can sign any amendment with the WHO and IHR without the consent of parliament or indeed the knowledge of New Zealand citizens. This is undemocratic and must be changed, especially when it affects the rights of a sovereign nation.

These amendments have the potential to infringe on my right to make decisions regarding my own body. It also infringes on the rights of New Zealand citizens and our elected government to debate any changes.

Not only should there be a referendum on such an important proposed change to New Zealand's sovereignty, there should also be a requirement by law, that any agreement with an international body, such as WHO fully inform the public and have open debates in parliament.

Signing away our sovereign rights without full transparency and without giving New Zealand citizens the opportunity to be fully informed and have their say, is an act of treason and all those involved in this insidious, vile act should be held accountable.

Shirley Pengelly (Helensville, Auckland, 2023-06-12)


I refuse to allow some external organisation dictate any health measures.
As a living man, i am above any corporations or organisations. They do not represent me. They do not have permission to administer my affairs.

Grant Rowlands (Whangarei , 2023-06-12)


I believe NZ is a sovereign nation and must be able to make its own decisions in the best interests of its citizens.



I want to

Bruce Fullerton (Hamilton, 2023-06-12)


The WHO is a corrupt organisation that wants to dictate everything we do and control medications we take. We will have no choices left about what enters our body and our autonomy.



The WHO has deliberately mislead and manipulated us- proving that they cannot be trusted with our health and wellbeing.
We should not sign anything which binds us to these sociopaths.

Alexei McDermott (Coromandel, 2023-06-12)


I oppose the sining up with the WHO

Joanne Ngahooro (Turangi, 2023-06-13)


I disagree with NZ signing up to the WHO treaty, and any treaty's that stand to override our own governance in all matters related to NZ.

KAYA BLOWN (Tasman , 2023-06-13)


We must retain or sovereignty. We must not allow anyone to dictate our life. We need to encourage a peaceful environment. The government, both parties, are corrupt, working for their own benefit. They need to be reminded that we elected them, and are required to be working for the people.

Wendy Summerville (Maungaturoto, 2023-06-13)


I don't support the who and it's policy Ryan (Takaka it, 2023-06-13)


The proposed power grab by the WHO in this and subsequent Pandemic Treaty amendments are an outrageous infringement of not only our country's sovereignty, but our own individual sovereignty.
I vehemently object to being ruled by an unknown unelected body and told what I do with my health and my body. It is an appalling abuse of power.

ROSALIND PATERSON (Hastings, 2023-06-13)


We the people do not want the WHO to dictate our medical needs

LEANNE Fatrar (Chch, 2023-06-13)


I am concerned that political motivations of people who belong in W.H.O. and who are associated with it, funded by pharmaceutical companies, who have limited understanding of individual health care, who want to bust through human rights laws, who want to be in control of the world's population, under the guise of health care and pandemic management, are trying to get a foot in the door to N.Z. for whatever reason. This needs to pass through N.Z public scrutiny. The government of N.Z. must not make a decision on this without public consent.

Janene Taylor (Tahunanui, 2023-06-13)


I believe the public should understand what it is about and have the opportunity to vote on whether NZ should sign up.

Jennifer Shewan (Hamilton, 2023-06-13)


I am opposed to the WHO and there abilities to do anything of substance and worth to the world and it’s people.Period

James Wolfen-Duvall (Collingwood, 2023-06-13)


The WHO is an unelected body making decisions that are proven to be dangerous to our populations, and market driven for the profit of a few people.
They are a captured organisation funded privately and pursuing world domination through the use of technology and pharmaceuticals .
I believe the public must be furnished with the full ramifications of what and how any pandemic treaty could affect them, and be given a public vote on whether New Zealand should sign up, before the New Zealand Government and any of its agencies signs up to this.

SARAH HORNIBROOKE (Takaka Rd1, 2023-06-13)


There has been no public consultation on this matter. I do not want our sovereignty signed over to an international body who has not been elected to make decisions for the people, by the people of New Zealand. I would like to retain our human rights over what we choose to put in our bodies and not have our freedom of movement restricted by any unelected entity. These are just some of my reasons for signing.

Jackie Collin (Auckland, 2023-06-14)


It seems the WHO is the mouthpiece for Bill Gates, an unelected psychopath hell bent on population reduction to suit his warped depraved endgoals.

DOUG THOMAS (Hawera & Districts, 2023-06-14)


Im signing because nobody is my authority

Dawn Dansby (Auckland , 2023-06-14)


Having choice over our lives, is the very basis of what it means to be human. Included in this, is the choice to vote for a Government that serves the needs of the people of New Zealand. This also includes the choice over what I put into my body, and all choices over my health.

The WHO is not a body that I have voted into power - nor has anyone voted in those who makes its decisions. It acts according to its agenda, not mine, and not the people of New Zealand.

It is imperative that New Zealand does not give away it's power to the WHO and, in so doing, retains the right to choose what is in the best interests of the health of New Zealanders.

Karen Van Eden (Auckland, 2023-06-14)


Western society as a whole does not need a unelected body, headed by Dr Tedros who is not a medical Doctor, appointed and backed by China, with a criminal history that includes terrorism, dictating and mandating policy that is contraire to a modern democratic society, and appears to be all about global control. not health. As we have seen with the plan-demic that was dished out to New Zealanders by Ardern, the consequences of fabricated science is still taking its toll today, with thousands of deaths directly attributed to the so called vaccine, a drug that was never tested, subsequently found to worthless and a threat to one's health. Health is and should be a very simple process and not one controlled by a corporation.

Gavriel Bootel (Auckland, 2023-06-14)


Freedom to choose

John Collin (Auckland, 2023-06-15)


The WHO has proven themselves corrupt, incompetent and compromised, not in the least because it's 2 largest donors are The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the CCP.
To sign NZ up to such a dangerous and disgusting power grab by these criminal globalists will be nothing short of treason.
Yes. Treason.
I'm sure we a law lying around somewhere which will come in handy for anyone in our government who signs this treaty on our behalf without a referendum.
Good luck with that.



I'm signing this petition as I do not believe that the WHO is trustworthy.
Handing over governance to the WHO regarding anything to do with global health, based on their previous performance is definitely a no...

GILLIAN ALLEN (Hawera, 2023-06-18)


it is important for our freedom and democracy that no outside organizations are able to tell us what we have to do and definitely no one can force us to take unwanted untested vaccines

Tim Baxter (Wha8, 2023-06-18)

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