Ask the West Nodaway R-1 Board of Education to grant Camryn Brady's appeals to remain in the A+ Program and go on senior trip.



This wrong in every way she’s worked her but off and punishing her for things she can not control the ruling should be reversed

Triston Fox (Elmo, 2023-01-21)


If all of these things are true and accurate, then you must step up and do the right thing. Someone who has worked this hard does not deserve to be punished for health issues out of her control.

Melody Blair (Maryville , 2023-01-21)


Because I believe in this wonderful student!

DAnn Gaukel (Burlington Junction, 2023-01-21)


This girl has maintained high grades and done and participated in so many extras outside of the normal 8a-3p school! How dare anyone try to take her accomplishments away from her for her health issues! She obviously can't control it and IF she could, do you honestly think she would choose surgery over time at school??? Silly to think anyone would choose the pain she went through!

Tiffany Davis (Maryville, 2023-01-21)


No child should be left behind when it comes to something medical that they have no control of!!!

Sidney Stevenson (Blythedale, 2023-01-21)


I'm signing because she was absent for medical reasons that were out of her control. She did all the make-up work and still has excellent grades. She is a hardworking student and deserves the rewards of it.

Trica Dreher (Hays, 2023-01-21)


I’m signing because the school district is punishing a student for health problems. She did not ask to have these issues. In spite of her health issues, she has upheld good grades and been an active member of many school organizations. The school board’s denial of her appeals goes against the spirit of education.

Colene Zeeman (Rayville, 2023-01-21)


I'm signing this because I feel that Camryn Brady, the student within this story should be allowed to remain in the A+ program and she should get to attend her Senior trip. To this reader, this student's story exhibits that she is a loyal and true inspiring Rocket to her community and peers. She has faced several health challenges, yet she did not give up. She kept fighting to win throughout her challenges and she kept up with her academics and leadership responsibilities. "Fighting to win" are the lyrics throughout her school song, and is being displayed by this student. As well, the school motto is to educate, equip, and inspire, which this student has also completed. This student has acquired the ability of learning, noticing and taking charge of her personal health issues, which is important and half the battle of living. The necessary treatment required that she be hospitalized and undergo surgery, which would be beyond the student's control, yet she kept keeping on with her required duties and responsibilities.

LaDean Gray (Maryville, 2023-01-21)


I have had a child lose out due to medical absences. There needs to be a change!

Christy Frueh (Pickering, 2023-01-21)


No one should be punished for things they cannot control. Fighting any battle relating to your health is hard enough without adding insult to injury.

Jessica Leach (Buffalo, 2023-01-21)


Bc she deserves to get the awards she worked so hard for and for circumstances outside of her control had to miss school. Based in the information I would bet she would have much rather been at school than enduring the pain and emotional suffering caused by an unsympathetic school district.

Keri Cimorelli (Leavenworth, 2023-01-21)


She has obviously worked very hard to maintain her grades and has no control over her health. Through all the pain and surgeries she should not be punished by her health!

Linda DeHaas (Ridgeway, 2023-01-21)


I’m signing because Camryn Brady should be allowed to stay in the At program and participate in the senior trip.

Debbie Russell (Savannah, 2023-01-21)


She needs to be excused for medical reason and allowed to join senior activities and get A plus scholarships

Becky Silcott (Lawrence , 2023-01-21)


I am signing this petition because I am a grandmother of young man, who in his 19 years survived 60 major surgeries... has mild cerebral palsy and has some special needs. missed a great deal of school. He attended a main stream school in Naperville, Illinois. The school & his teachers worked with him to get caught up and was never denied participation in any activities. He managed to graduate with his class with honors. I was appalled when I read this story. This new principle and those who have supported this outrageous decision should not be in working with high school teenagers or any child for that matter. Empathy, Compassion and sense of community is lacking if this is how you treat someone who is struggling with health issues. I may not have a child or grandchild attending this particular school. However, I will stand up with her and her family to see that she is not shunned because of illness. Time to rethink those decisions and help this young woman move in a positive direction. Surely, her treatment by those entrusted with her education and well being in a school setting must be traumatic and affect her health even further.

Pam Petersen (Maryville, 2023-01-21)


Gi e the girl a chance. She has proven to be a leader

Sharri Wallace (Hopkins, 2023-01-21)


It seems the right thing to do

Sarah McKee (Grain Valley, 2023-01-21)


She deserves it. It's not like she missed on purpose. Health is not something that can be avoided.

Ronnie Schweikhardt (Shenandoah , 2023-01-21)


I'm sighing this because this young lady deserves to get all the benefits of her hard work. Missing school was out of her control and because of health reasons.

Barbara Cotton (Oregon Mo, 2023-01-21)


This is completely unfair!

Tasha Quimby (Maryville, 2023-01-21)


Because it’s stupid to not let her go!

Austin Steffey (Burlington jct , 2023-01-21)


As a teacher I want to reward students for their hard work and dedication to school! Not penalize them for things out of their control!

Chris Edman (Smithville, 2023-01-21)


I too missed school for valid reasons and my school board still granted my A+ at a special hearing. I believe this student has more than enough proof that it should still be awarded and she should be able to participate in the trip.

amber Plaggemeyer (Waverly, 2023-01-21)


It is ridiculous to bar an excellent student from activities that can make or break her future because of absence, especially when she's kept up with all requirements and exceeded all other standards.

Sarah Jeter (Ankeny, 2023-01-21)


It’s just not fair or right to exclude someone due to extenuating circumstances such as medical issues that require surgery. She did her part by having her work done and submitted. Camryn doesn’t deserve to be punished for her medical issues. A good student and good citizen deserves better than the treatment she is being given by administration and board of education members.

Barb Bredlow (Ravenwood, 2023-01-21)


It's horrendous that this school district is punishing this student for medical conditions, in this day and age. Shame on you school board, do the right thing

Alessandra West (Chicago, 2023-01-21)


No student should be punished for something they cannot control and setting this example may discourage other students in the future to from seeking lifesaving medical care

Rose Lynnesdaughter (Wichita, KS, 2023-01-21)


She deserves to qualify for the A+ program and senior trip since health issues is what has caused her neing unable to attend school. You are using her health against her and she is so deserving of being treated as a normal student.

Belinda Woody (Gallatin, 2023-01-21)


I had to miss a lot of school my junior year and after taking summer school and working very hard my senior year I was allowed to graduate w/my class. I too, was very smart before the accident and always made good grades. It sounds like she and I were in much of the same boat! It’s not like she chose to have these problems. Try and put yourselves in her position.

Amber Sawyer (St. Joseph, 2023-01-21)


This amazing person should be REWARDED for getting through these medical procedures and issues at all, much less keeping up with grades and clubs. It is inhumane to take away these opportunities from them for events outside their control. Shame on the school district for drawing a line on the wrong side of humanity and compassionate and decency.

Emily Elzeftawy (Las Vegas, 2023-01-21)


She cannot control the uncontrollable. You don't punish people for things in life that is beyond their control. Give the child the break she deserves and has worked so hard for. Be kind. There's not enough of that in this world anymore. Understanding and compassion go a long way.

Kim Kelmel (Maryville, 2023-01-21)


I’m signing because west Nodaway is a sh!t school.

Bobby Haidsiak (Burlington junction, 2023-01-21)


Apparently none of the administrators have ever dealt with, or worse yet, had a child with significant health issues. If all of her other grades, attitude and aptitude are in place, shame on you for denying an appeal for scholarship and a senior trip.

Jennifer Huffman (Savannah, 2023-01-21)


The way the school board is acting is absurd. She deserves everything she worked for.

Ashley Simmons (Virginia Beach, 2023-01-21)


Camryn's medical situations should not be held against her. She has completed all the requirements for fundraising and for the A+ program and should not have than taken away at the last minute.

Deborah Toomey (Maryville, 2023-01-21)


This young lady been thru hell.She not only EARNED to go on trip etc ...She deserves it!My God ,has caring and compassion for one another gone out the door,?Praying this young lady gets her scholarship and everything she has worked for to achieve this!Stay strong!Prayers,

Michele Kelmel (Mo, 2023-01-21)


She deserve to be an A+ member AND be able to go on to senior trip. Senior trip was one of my best high school memories, this is ridiculous that it’s even in question right now!!

Alissa Reynolds (Humphreys, 2023-01-21)


What is being done to a student that has met all other requirements is just plain and simply wrong. We all should be disgusted by this treatment of a child.

Matthew McMillen (Maryville, 2023-01-21)


This young person has excelled even through hardship, to penalize them is ridiculous. Do these people making this decision have nothing more important to do?

Riley Winter (Olathe, 2023-01-21)


This is so unfair! She put in tons of work while being in excruciating pain. She deserves a trip with her friends and she has worked hard and deserves her scholarship.

Brittany Shaughnessy (Omaha, 2023-01-21)


Why are we punishing a child for things out of her control.

Bobbi Christiansen (Blanchard, 2023-01-21)


I am signing this petition because I feel that Kamryn’s dealt with many obstacles over the last 2 years and should not be punished for situations that were out of her control. She has proven by her resilience, hard work, and accomplishments that she is motivated and didn’t use her health issues as excuses to slide through her senior year. The promise made to her by the previous principal should have been upheld by the current. But beyond that, the current principal has an opportunity to advocate on her behalf and to show some compassion in this situation. What a great life lesson he and the School Board could be exhibiting in their community. Sometimes doing the right thing takes courage, compassion, and a will to make a difference!

Kathleen Hunm (St. Louis, 2023-01-21)


No child should be punished because of medical issues.

Sarah Lemons (Stanberry, 2023-01-21)


It's not right to punishment this girl for her medical issues. Shame on the school!

Jodi Watson (Stewartsville, 2023-01-21)


The school district is very wrong in denying her A+.

Brandi Pittman (Trenton, 2023-01-21)


People that have medical issues that have been documented should be allowed to remain in the A+ program and go on senior trip

Shan Leatherman (Olathe, 2023-01-21)


This is a student that despite obstacles has thrived in her education. She is a role model not someone that should be penalized in any way.

Deidra Parman (Kansas City, 2023-01-21)


This girl has went through so much. And to have her A+ and senior trip ripped away. Without a second thought from the school board is a shame. Camyrn's deserves these things more then any other student in West Nodaway School District does. She has my support

Molly Norman (Trenton , 2023-01-21)


This girl is being punished for no reason!

Maria Dierenfeldt (Bonner Springs, 2023-01-21)


This kid deserves to go

Teresa Wiederholt (string:MARYVILLE, 2023-01-21)


It’s right

Michele Hyczka (Somerdale, 2023-01-21)


I don’t think that the school district should be able to deny a request for an appeal because there could be bias against this student or her family. Give her a chance to be heard

Amanda Pawling (King City, 2023-01-21)


This is absolutely ridiculous! Health issues should have no bases when making decisions about not allowing students to participate in school functions. If that student has made up all homework and met all other requirements then there should be no reason she can’t participate. You can not control health issues, she should not be punished when she has already had to deal with all of this as it is.

Jessica Alsup (Tarkio, 2023-01-21)


Camryn deserves to stay in the A plus program and to go on the senior trip. This should in no way even be an issue!

Sher'ree Frye (Falls City, 2023-01-21)


Everyone deserves the chance to have an amazing senior year. You deserve this. As someone who graduated in 2020, with covid, most of my senior activities were cancelled and life just didn’t feel the same after. Nobody deserves to have their senior year taken from them. You deserve to be in that program and go on that trip with your friends.

Aubrey Burns (Gallatin , 2023-01-21)


Give me a break!! If the little girl has kept up with her schoolwork all while being sick and in the hospital, then there is no reason to hold her out. Take this to the school board and have this Superintendent fired. If they don't do it, get a new school board. This is ridiculous!!

David Weiss (Maryville, 2023-01-21)


Life is about choices. We dont get to choose the hands we get dealt, but we do however, have to choice to make the best hand with what we are dealt. Camryn has persevered and excelled in her academic career despite the medical setbacks she has endured the last several years. She continues to excell, be a role model, be an active and productive member of her community. She was not dealt a strait flush, but she has chosen to make her full house a winning hand. To penalize her, or ANY student in the same situation is immoral, unethical, demoralizing, inhumane, and contrary to the spirit of good citizenship and humanism. You have my support Camryn, 100%!!!

Daisy Ebrecht (N. Hampton, 2023-01-21)


Camryn deserves better and should be shown an ounce of grace.

Tyler Bears (Adelaide, 2023-01-21)


I’m signing because she has followed all the rules to excusing her absences and has been able to maintain school and extra curricular activities despite her absences. She apparently is working harder than most kids who haven’t missed school and she should not be punished for this!

Heather Kimzey (Albany, 2023-01-21)


this is ridiculous. As a health care professional this all seems so awful, to take a kid who has been through so much and drag them through more that you dont have to is insane.

Tiffany Camp (Oak grove, 2023-01-21)


“Our very survival depends on our ability to stay awake, to adjust to new ideas, to remain vigilant and to face the challenge of change.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

This young lady captures this legendary quote. A quote that is most often included in teaching curriculum assigned by administrators. It is time that the administrators start leaning what they are requiring. Could you imagine a school that had this quote as a mission statement? The places students could go, the hearts teachers could reach, the impact schools could make! It’s in black and white that this individual has done exactly that. It’s just a matter of when the school will accept the challenge of change and grow with these incredible students.

Alicia Smith (Kansas City, 2023-01-21)


I’m signing this petition because this young lady has been through enough! I think it is disgraceful what West Nodaway School District is doing (or not doing) in this situation! I hope all works out for this young woman. My message to the school board, administration, class sponsor and anyone else that chooses to deny these appeals is that I think you all suck as educators!

Teresa McBrien (Conception Junction, 2023-01-21)


She had medical issues out of her control, not skipping school!! She completed her assignments ahead of time and maintained her grades. Her accomplishments should be awarded rather than punished!!

Martha Bentley (Elkhart, 2023-01-21)


This child has worked very hard her school career and missing school because of health issues/hospitalizations/surgeries should be excused. She should not be punished for being sick

Courtney Marlowe (Saint joseph, 2023-01-21)


Richard moad

Richard Moad (Bethany , 2023-01-21)


The treatment and lack of support this poor student has received from the school is unacceptable and shameful!

Rachael Howell (Joplin, 2023-01-21)


I am a teacher and see other students granted the rights Camryn is being denied with absences for less and not making up any missing work.

Mel Flanagan (North Franklin , 2023-01-21)


My understanding is that Cami has made up her work during her medical absences, which should have been excused. Is this yet another discrimination that will harm the future of young Americans?

Delores Feeken Schmidt (Crete, 2023-01-21)


I believe that Brandy Brady is a great example of a young person who is working hard to overcome medical issues that are impacting her education. We should be supporting her efforts, not putting up barriers, to make a bright future for herself.

Patricia Mansker (Denton, 2023-01-21)


This student can show documentation of a medical hardship. She should apply for 504 plan if she has a continuing disability

Dr Loni Leforce (Crane, 2023-01-21)


Doctor's excuses should not count against a student's record. Cami is an exemplary student not one who barely gets by. Why, as a school board can you, in good faith, think this is right?

Sheryl Buholt (Maryville, 2023-01-21)


This young lady has Excelled beyond her pier’s, even after everything she has went through medically, Shame on this school board/ superintendent etc… that has denied her these privileges she has worked So very hard for!Shame On You !!!!!!

Lynann Robinson - Johnson (DeKalb , 2023-01-21)


This is very unfair to treat an honor student so unjustly. They have gone above and beyond to show you these “excused” absences were necessary and out of her control.

Margaret Pedersen (Stanberry , 2023-01-21)


The WN school board is taking away something from a young girl who has done absolutely nothing to deserve it. They should work with her to figure something out as she has so much going for her and is a good student.

Katie McCown (Fairfax, 2023-01-21)


I am signing because this is not fair or just.

Susan Valine (Gold River, 2023-01-21)


This is not right. She has already gone through enough. Please let her enjoy her senior year.

Christy Ford (Smithville, 2023-01-21)


Everyone is there and was provided as proof that she's had medical issues beyond her control. Ms Brady has kept up wonderfully on her grades and is involved with a lot of activities at the school. Please let her stay in the A+ program and let her attend her class trip. She deserves to be with her classmates in her last year of school.

Erica J Dulin (Burlington Junction, 2023-01-21)


This is an easy decision, one that shows grace and understanding of a unique situation. Something that should be an easy decision is being.....well not so.

Rick Bosley (Smithville , 2023-01-21)


Denying her because of something she had no control over is not fair!!!

Valerie Linnenburger (Kansas City, 2023-01-21)


This young lady should not be penalized for her medical procedures when she has worked so hard to excel in spite of them.

Kara Miller (Olathe , 2023-01-21)


Thos is b.s.

Laurie Summers (Rea, 2023-01-21)


This is beyond their control and as an alumni I can’t believe my school is doing this! As for my own kids of our school had done that I’d be fighting too!

Jolyn Jackson (Bedford, 2023-01-21)


She should not be penalized for being sick. She has met all the requirements.

Laurie Snyder (Olathe, 2023-01-21)


She deserves all the privileges she has earned as well as those her peers are receiving. Unless there is an existing (from before she started) attendance requirement she is eligible to participate

Patricia Kinman (Maryville, 2023-01-21)


It's ridiculous that this even a thing

Lacie Molnar (Burlington junction , 2023-01-21)


This is really upsetting considering the fact that she strives within academics and the school believes that they have a right to take away major factors apart of her life due to medical inconveniences. Very disappointed West Nodaway R-1, do better.

Montanna Horseman (Maitland, 2023-01-21)


Camryn’s medical excuses must be honored. She is a model student and she deserves to be treated with respect.

Laura Shuey (Lebanon , 2023-01-21)


If she had cancer or a disease you could see you all wouldn't be punishubg her. Shame

Jennifer Kennedy (Bradenton, 2023-01-21)


Camryn should not be punished for her health issues. This is discrimination against a young woman who has succeeded in school despite her absences for health reasons.

Graffis Brenda (Longmont, 2023-01-21)


No child should be punished because of their health conditions.

Lacey McKenzie (Burlington Junction , 2023-01-21)


No one should take away school experiences from a child because they were sick. That is not in the child's control.

Charles Mckenzie (Burlington Junction , 2023-01-21)


She should be allowed these things.

Paula Luna (Mound City, 2023-01-21)


I am shocked at this. A child’s health should be a priority in education. Any type of medical care (surgery or otherwise) should be excused. I am so sorry this family is having to endure this.

Tonya Colwell (Saint Joseph, 2023-01-21)


I support camryns hard work!

Denise Phillips (Maryville, 2023-01-21)


It is totally unthinkable and wrong to not give this young lady excusable absences for something medical that she had no control over!!!!



Medical issues should be excused absences.

Rachel Cotter (St. Joseph, 2023-01-21)


Simply because it's the right thing to do.

Karen Pagel (Carbondale, 2023-01-21)


Sounds like this kiddo has been through enough. This wasn’t purposefully missed school. This was due to medical reasons.

Rachael McElvain (Maryville , 2023-01-21)


This young lady is a good student who is a productive member of society and contributes to her classmates and school community she does not deserve to be punished for things that she can not control.

Cindi Zimmerman (Maryville, 2023-01-21)


Health of students should come first. Her actions have shown she is a honor student.

Martin Pedersen (Stanberry , 2023-01-21)


No child should be punished for giving their all. She obviously was having health issues that required missing school. She stayed very active in promoting the school and volunteering.

Robin Ramsey (Bedford, 2023-01-21)


We lived in the school district for a number of years. I rarely agreed with the school administration or the school board and what is happening with Cam Brady is another example of how completely ass backwards things are there.

Tanja Younger (Spickard , 2023-01-21)


Brandy followed all the correct steps and should not be penalized due to her medical issues. If not allowed to participate what is this telling anyone that had life issues? It tells them that hard work and due diligence does not pay off so why try. You should allow Brandy to participate.

Diana Baldry (Topeka, 2023-01-21)


She’s a great kid who has put forth her utmost effort through her pain and deserves to be apart of the senior trip.

Desiree Hufford (Maryville, 2023-01-21)


I'm a nurse. This young lady deserves the grace. She went through multiple medical procedures and difficulties, and for the board of "education" to blatantly ignore her academic accomplishments in spite of all of these is absolutely asinine. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. She pushed herself through everything, had legitimately excused absences due to following medical advice, and you "educated" individuals have decided that you know better than the medical professionals about what she is and was able to do during those times. You need to think long and hard about what your condemning here, because it isn't her accomplishments. It's her listening to medical advice instead of attendance policies.

Brandee Piazik (North Providence, 2023-01-21)


A student should not be penalized for absences that are necessary because of Illness, surgery, emergencies, etc. No child or teacher should feel obligated to attend school while ill because of a ludicrous policy. People get sick-it should not be punished.

Amanda Komo (St. Louis, 2023-01-21)


Medical issues shouldn't be held against any person, in any scenario. Especially a child.

Misty Waldeier (Burlington Junction, 2023-01-21)