Aid al Adha prayer unity 1437- 2016


 Saturday 11 september 2016


Bismillah arrahman arrahim,

The result of this petition was better than we could have hoped. No, we will not pray aid together this year but inshaallah this is the last time we are seperated.
Last week groups from The Muslima Association Of Iceland  and The Islamic Cultural Center met in a meeting, where the goal was to work through issues, so that these associations can come together in one and work together for future goals inshaallah. 

Lets pray and make dua sincerely to Allah that we may be united in one organisation in the future. Lets make dua for those who will be working throug issues and ask Allah to grant them humbleness and wisdom so that the result can be frutfull Inshaallah.

Barak allahu fikum.

May allahs blessings and mercy be upon you.

Assalam aleykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.