Banning of secondhand copper sales

The only way to stop the theft of copper (electric cable,  taps and plumbing, aircons, house numbers etc) Is to ban the selling  and buying of second hand copper. Cable theft Is causing Millions of Rands worth of damage every month in our town. Stripping private and  municipal infrastructure is causing our town to bleed. Please help to stop them from destroying our economy, our town and our livelihoods. 

With this petition we would like to request the law makers and law enforcement to publish, instate and enforce a ban on the selling and buying of second hand copper or to structure a plan and system to better regulate the 2nd hand copper business.  The damages caused by criminals stealing copper to sell is far more than the profit scrapdealers can make. 

Please sign this petition  as resident of Kroonstad to help stop these criminal acts. 


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