Compensate the Marginalized!

Compensate all minorities in the United States:

1. African Americans for slavery

2. Native Americans for colonialism and genocide 

3. Latino/a's for loss of Mexican land to the US 

4. Women for servitude to men

5. Poor descendants from criminals transported as labor to the Americas

6. The lower class given poverty wages and conditions

7. LGBTQ people who have had to live in secret

8. Anyone who came as a refugee

9. Religious minorities

10. Anyone persecuted for their religion

11. Cultural or political minorities who have to work in culturally uncomfortable environments

12. Aesthetic minorities who suffer from narrow cultural definitions of beauty

13. Culinary minorities who find it difficult to obtain the food they are used to

14. People with disabilities who have to live in a world that caters to the able-bodied

15. Seniors who are not valued in our youth-centric society

16. Anyone else who is marginalized by structures which benefit some and not others

Compensate for Marginalization!    Contact the author of the petition