Demand for all PDPM marks to be released

We are writing to express our concerns regarding the delayed release of our marks and the subsequent inconvenience caused to students. As diligent students who understand the importance of timely feedback, we firmly believe that prompt access to our academic performance is essential for our personal growth and future endeavors.

It has come to our attention that there have been significant delays in delivering marks for various courses that have been completed as far as four months ago. These unnecessary delays have not only caused anxiety among students but have also impeded our ability to plan ahead effectively. A delay exceeding the reasonable timeframe not only reflects poorly on the university's organizational processes but also hampers our progress toward achieving our educational goals.

Therefore, we, the undersigned students, kindly request your immediate attention to this matter. We demand that all our marks be made available within 7 days and going forward we demand that our marks and feedback be released before the next assignment is due to effectively help us to utilize the feedback for improving on the next assignment. Timely access to these marks will enable us to evaluate our performance, identify areas of improvement, seek necessary assistance if required, and make informed decisions about further studies or career paths.

In case the aforementioned deadline cannot be met, we urge you to consider implementing a compensation policy as an act of goodwill towards affected students. Specifically, we propose either a refund or credit system that would compensate us for any inconvenience caused by the prolonged delay in releasing our marks beyond the stipulated timeframe.

We understand that administrative challenges may arise from time to time; however, it is imperative for an institution as esteemed as Wits University to prioritize the academic welfare of its students. By promptly addressing this issue, you would not only ensure student satisfaction but also demonstrate your commitment to excellence in education.

We kindly request that you acknowledge our concerns as soon as possible and acknowledge receipt of this petition. Failure to address these issues satisfactorily may result in further collective action or escalation of this matter to higher authorities.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We trust that you will take immediate action to meet our demands and uphold the reputation of our esteemed institution.

Yours sincerely,

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