Yes, I am a Canadian!

If you have a DND Birth Certificate and were born to parents serving in the CF who while stationed overseas between 1962 and 1977, this affects you.  Please sign the petition so that it can be presented to the Government of Canada asking that the Citizenship Act (1977) be amended to recognize the DND Birth Certificate as a legal birth certificate.

  • The Department of National Defence Birth Certificate – DND 419 was instituted in 1963 as a convenient durable and identifiable Canadian Record of birth for dependants born outside Canada to CF personnel. Although it was never accorded legal status, the Certificate was useful as a general proof of age and effectively alleviated the requirement to carry the less durable and somewhat cumbersome registration of birth from the country of birth.
  • The Citizenship Act, proclaimed on 15 February 1977, eliminated the requirement to register those children born abroad to Canadian parents as Canadian citizens. With this change, the Secretary of State of Canada ceased to issue/replace the Registration of Birth Abroad Certificate as proof of citizenship. In its’ place, they commenced issuing the Certificate of Canadian Citizenship. In November 1979, the production of the DND 419 ceased.