Find Fakatouato a New Home


We need help in finding a new location for our Tongan ECE Centre.  We have been in operation for almost 25 years and have served our local and Tongan community well in educating and nurturing our Tongan children to be confident and take pride in being a Tongan and a citizen of Aotearoa. We wish to continue doing this but need land to move to and some financial assistance that will allow us to continue operation.  

Help us to continue helping our Tongan children become holistic and confident little learners and to have a good start to their academic and social life and make a valued contributions to society.  We have a great track record of our children becoming very successful students and adults.  

This school started as a playgroup in 1992 and the parents and teachers were a part of the fight with the government for them to recognise ECE Langauage Schools as important and relevant and should be licensed and eligible for funding.    Fakatouato Langauge School started with just a couple of parents that recognised the importance of early childhood education and teaching our children their Tongan language.  They took it upon themselves to form a playgroup and took the children in everyday and the teachers were all volunteers and had no pay.  They were focused on the children's needs.  This still rings true today.  

In 1998 considerable fundraising as well as government assistance enabled the construction of a fit for purpose centre on leased land.   Now the new landlord has given us 6 months to leave the property and we have nowhere to go.  Our school has served the local and Tongan Community for so long and more importantly have made a difference in the lives of those children that have attended our school.  We wish to continue operation for the current children we have and also for those in the future.  

Please help us with our cause.  We do not have the luxury of time and if we did we know we would have had something lined up already but it is difficult because the other parties involved operate on their own time frame but our deadline is 12th April, 2017.  

Malo 'Aupito.