For_ Alive_ Earth

Dear Lovely beings,

Our planet is crying out for help, and we have the power to answer its call. It's time to unite and make a difference. I believe that non-recyclable plastic usage is causing irreversible harm to our beautiful Earth. But together, we can change the course of this destructive path.

Every day, I'm making a personal commitment to use fewer non-recyclable plastics.
1. I'm choosing reusable bags and containers.
2. I'm saying "no" to single-use plastics. And when I do use plastic,
3. I promise to ensure it reaches the proper recycling facilities.

Let's be honest, it's easy to get caught up in the convenience of plastic. But when you think about the breathtaking landscapes, diverse ecosystems, and the incredible variety of life on this planet, it's a small price to pay for their survival.

Our actions today will determine the kind of world we leave for future generations. Imagine a world where our oceans are clean, where wildlife thrives in their natural habitats, and where the air we breathe is free from plastic pollutants. This dream can become a reality if we work together.

Join me in taking this pledge for a healthier, more vibrant Earth. Sign our petition and be a part of the change. Let's make #The_Breathing_Earth more than just a hashtag – let's make it a global movement.

🖊️Sign the petition, and let's save our planet together!
If not us then who?
Thank you for being a steward of the Earth. Together, we can make a difference.

With hope and determination,

Samyak Sawargaonkar    Contact the author of the petition

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