Fund Immunotherapy In New Zealand


/ #11

2015-12-04 17:49

$30m required to save kiwis from dying from melanoma $28m required to change the kiwi flag for John Keys legacy $5m required for two Pandas to keep John Keys wife happy $20 required to educate foreign drivers on how to drive Which one of these would you chose. God Pharmac do you not realise that Advanced Melanoma dosnt just effect the cancer sufferer. With each Melanoma sufferer there would be dozens of people effected, if not hundreds, Emotionally. Financially. Physically. What price a human life ,well pharmac now knows. a human life is worth nothing. If Pharmac would even give a dam on what the public say would astound me.Talk money and BAM. What price a human life. $0000000.The death of our fellow humans , who Pharmac can help, through Adanced Melanoma, is on your back Pharmac. You CAN help but chose not to.Seems no different than arriving at an accident scene and knowing you could help but instead just sitting on the curb and watching someone die. This in my eyes aquates to, at the very least involintary manslauter. how much a human life $00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. From the step dad of a 22 year old Advanced Melanoma sufferer.