PETITION: We the people of South Africa want Jacob Zuma to step down


/ #2520

2015-12-12 11:34

DEAR "honourable " mr presidentEnough is enough, everyday goes by and Mr "Honourable" president shows the world how uneducated he is and at that occupying the highest chair in the land which spells out nothing but bad news for south africa. Zuma and "his ANC'' have no regard for our land but as long as they achieve personal gain no change. Zuma is at the forefront of South Africa's economic meteoric fall. I'm sorry to say but Zuma is stupid never mind him being uneducated but we witness how he is protected by his ANC soldiers, how his speeches are written for him and when there is no script to be read nothing but rubbish comes out his mouth and the fact that the ruling party, the ANC, is endorsing his decision to remove Honourable Nhlanhla Nene shows how unstable our leadership is in the Republic. We have an unstable government that would sacrifice South Africa's future for their own personal gain. We have Zuma as the master ventriloquist and the Anc the puppets but trust me Mr Zuma South Africa is tired of your Puppet show, it's time we had something real and something focused. ZUMA must fall