
/ #9 Re: Re: Re: Re:

2016-05-12 04:32

#8: Cunt. - Re: Re: Re:  

I’m sorry you feel that way, however, not everyone feels the same.

You could use multiple sources of contraception and something could go wrong. I don’t think it is ever the first choice, rather the only choice. How is having an abortion not taking responsibility? It may not be your idea of the right decision but other people would disagree. It isn't for the sake of it, people don't do it because they think putting their body through that is fun or exciting, they do it because it is the best choice for them! The women is the number one priority!

It is not fair on the women or the child to be born under the circumstance that she had no other option. Please don't start the adoption argument.

The problem here isn’t women having abortions, it is people who discourage them for being in touch with their sexuality. Sex isn’t just about procreating, it is also about intimacy, being close to your partner or simply because it is fun.

A women has ownership over her body and should be able to make decisions on what happens to it, people shouldn’t be making them for her.