Dog Dragged to Death


/ #481

2012-06-16 18:42

Poor dog. I am not surprised at the level of cruelty displayed in places such as Korea,China Vietnam Thailand and other Asian countries. They don´t regard dogs the same way we do in the western hemisphere.They eat dogs in that part of the world and are known for their inate cruelty towards them which is a shame as they seem to have so many positive philosophies and ways of life just not when the issues have to do with animals shame on them for these henious acts of cruelty. I know its not all of them but too many of them could care the less there can be any number of reasons for it but culture should never be used as an excuse for acts of this nature as I am of the opinion that crimes comitted to animals is not culture at all but rather a lack there of.Hope they find the culprit responsibel for this henious crime and bring him or her to justice.