Liberation and Sovereignty of Palestine


We, the undersigned, stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people in their quest for freedom, justice, and self-determination. We believe that the ongoing occupation, oppression, and violation of basic human rights in Palestine must end. As global citizens committed to peace and justice, we call upon the international community to take urgent action to address the plight of the Palestinian people.


For decades, the Palestinian people have endured systematic injustices, including land confiscation, illegal settlements, military aggression, and economic blockade. The Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, particularly in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, has resulted in the displacement of millions of Palestinians, denying them their fundamental rights and dignity.

The blockade of Gaza has led to severe humanitarian crises, including food and water shortages, inadequate healthcare, and limited access to education and employment opportunities. The construction of illegal settlements in the West Bank continues to violate international law and undermine the prospects for a viable Palestinian state.

Furthermore, Palestinians face daily discrimination, violence, and arbitrary detention at the hands of the Israeli military and settlers. The lack of accountability for human rights abuses perpetuates a cycle of impunity and injustice.

Our Demands:

  1. End the Occupation: We demand an immediate end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, including the dismantling of illegal settlements and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem.

  2. Right of Return: We affirm the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties, in accordance with United Nations General Assembly Resolution 194.

  3. Equality and Justice: We call for an end to all forms of discrimination against Palestinians, both inside Israel and in the occupied territories. We support efforts to achieve full equality for all inhabitants of historic Palestine, regardless of their ethnicity or religion.

  4. Palestinian Self-Determination: We recognize the Palestinian people's right to self-determination and sovereignty. We support the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, based on the pre-1967 borders.

  5. Accountability and Justice: We demand accountability for human rights violations committed against Palestinians. Perpetrators must be held accountable under international law, and victims must receive reparations and justice.

  6. Lift the Blockade: We urge the international community to pressure Israel to lift the blockade of Gaza and allow unrestricted humanitarian access to the Palestinian people. The siege on Gaza is a collective punishment that must end immediately.

  7. Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS): We support the Palestinian-led BDS movement as a nonviolent means to pressure Israel to comply with international law and respect Palestinian rights. We call on individuals, organizations, and governments to boycott products and institutions that support the occupation and apartheid policies.


As concerned global citizens, we cannot remain silent in the face of injustice. We must stand with the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom, dignity, and justice. By signing this petition, we reaffirm our commitment to upholding human rights, international law, and the principles of justice and equality for all. Together, we can make a difference and work towards a just and peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


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