GOVA Plus Services

  1.  By signing this document, you are supporting the request for Council Members of the City of Greater Sudbury to review the services provided by GOVA Plus. The desired outcome will be a more reliable, adaptive, and efficient service for ALL riders needing accessible transportation
  2. .I work at the same location, Monday to Friday, from 8:00am to 4:16pm, where I am, anywhere between 5 minutes to over an hour late for work. There has been some days where, for no reason at all, my ride to work has been cancelled. Furthermore, the ride back home is scheduled, anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours after I am finished work. Which means that my 8-hour day, ends up being a 10-hour day.       
  3. This service assists a vulnerable population, and for this reason I feel I have the responsibility to advocate and raise awareness to issues that the Greater Sudbury Council members are accountable for. I have made several complaints, and it feels as though it falls on deaf ears. So my plea to you, is that you sign this petition to show support for a review of this contracted service to happen as it reflects poorly on the City of Greater Sudbury. My hope, is that resolve can be found, adequate changes be made so that this accessible service will be nothing short of exemplary.

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