Katie Hopkins to spend a day with Mandy

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/08/22/article-2400022-1798E9E3000005DC-892_634x686.jpgWe the undersigned, desperately want a documentary maker to produce (or help us) produce "A day with Mandy" where Katie Hopkins spends a day with Mandy Sellars and sees how someone in Mandy's position is unable to work and relies on benefits.

Mandy Sellars (www.mandysellars.com) has appeared in other documentaries, and on This Morning on ITV and is a well regarded and someone who always exceeds expectations.

She, along with the rest of us, is tired to hearing how Katie thinks everyone is a scrounger, and would love to challenge Katie to a day in her shoes.

It may have the desired side-effect of shaming failed Apprentice candidate Katie Hopkins off our screens forever.  Win-win.