Loyal to the Shadow World

As a fan of the books for some time now, the concept of the shadow world becoming a tv show was exciting. I wasn't expecting the tv show to be exactly like the book but I was certain aspects to be similar. Characters like Sebastian (also known as Jonathan) and Izzy, relationships like Malec and plot lines like Clace have been in our heart for almost 10 years now and to see the writers of this show disrespect our, the fans, beloved world the way they haves have hurt us, deeply. We are not asking for Freeform to canceled the show (we don't want that), because we absolutely love the cast and the world itself, and we are not asking for anyone to be fired, we are simply asking for Cassandra Clare to have a bigger hand in the writing of this show as she loves the shadow world more than anyone. If you cannot bring Cassandra in to actual writing process atleast listen to fans and what we love from the books. We aren't asking for much but we are begging from the bottom of our hearts. With all our love, the shadowhunter family.