Make writing times sufficient for students

I, along with a number of Boston Colllege students feel that 2 hours is not at all sufficient to complete the exams we are provided. The first year students get 2 hours to complete a multiple choice exam. How does it make sense that us third-year students get the same amount of time to complete long hand-written papers consisting of long essay questions among other questions? When it was changed from typed answers to hand-written answers Boston should have accommodated us by at least making the exam time longer. It is not right that barely any students actually get to finish the paper. The fact that basically none of the students finish the paper indicates that 2 hours is simply not an appropriate time. Us students work very hard throughout the semester, studying and when it gets to the exams, all that work basically means nothing as no matter how hard we study and how much of the work we actually know, there isn't enough time to apply that knowledge during the exam. If we are expected to hand-write long essay questions, along with additional questions, we require 3 hours to complete our paper, which isn't asking for too much whatsoever. Please allow us to show the work we have been learning throughout the semester and allow us the chance to show our full potential by providing adequate exam time.

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