No more Halal Products

Title: Petition Against Mandatory Halal Mark


We, the undersigned, hereby petition against the mandatory implementation of the Halal mark on products. While recognizing the importance of religious freedom and cultural practices, we believe that imposing the Halal mark on all products indiscriminately poses several concerns:


1. **Violation of Consumer Choice:** Requiring all products to bear the Halal mark disregards the preferences and beliefs of consumers who do not adhere to Halal dietary practices. Mandating this mark restricts consumer choice and imposes religious requirements on individuals who may not wish to abide by them.


2. **Potential Discrimination:** The mandatory imposition of the Halal mark may inadvertently lead to discrimination against individuals and businesses that do not follow or support Halal practices. This could create a divisive environment within society, fostering distrust and animosity among communities.


3. **Economic Impact:** Implementing the Halal mark universally could incur additional costs for producers and businesses, which may ultimately be passed on to consumers. Small businesses, in particular, may face financial burdens in complying with these regulations, potentially leading to market exclusions and economic disparities.


4. **Secular Governance:** We advocate for the separation of religion and state in matters of governance. Mandating the Halal mark on all products blurs this boundary and undermines the principle of secularism, which is fundamental to a diverse and inclusive society.


5. **International Trade Implications:** For products intended for export, mandatory Halal certification could create barriers to trade and hinder market access in regions where such requirements are not recognized or accepted. This could adversely affect global commerce and competitiveness.


Therefore, we urge policymakers and relevant authorities to reconsider the mandatory imposition of the Halal mark and instead support a framework that respects individual freedoms, promotes diversity, and upholds secular governance principles.


Thank you for considering our concerns and taking appropriate action to address them.


Apostel Frederik vd Heever images_(47)3.jpeg

Frederik vd Heever from Soli Deo Gloria Potchefstroom    Contact the author of the petition

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