Objection DEM7252 - Mtwalume Change from Umdoni Municipality to Umzumbe Municipality


DEM 7252 KZN - In terms of Section 21 of the Local Government Municipal Demarcation Act, 1998 (Act No 27 of 1998) the Municipal Demarcation Board has re-determined the municipal boundaries of Umzumbe Local Municipality (KZN213) and Umdoni Local Municipality (KZN212), by excluding the area of Mtwalume from the municipal area of Umdoni Local Municipality (KZN212) and by including it into the municipal area of Umzumbe Local Municipality (KZN213).

As resident of Longbeach / Koelwaters and / or Mtwalume, I herewith object to the re-determination of municipal boundary as set out in the notification above.  My objection is based on the following key factors:

  • Service delivery:  Rural Umzumbe Municipality does not have the means or capability to service the well established rate paying community of Mtwalume with  essentials such as refuse collection, road repairs, verge maintenance, lifesaving services, upkeep and cleaning of beach facilities, building control etc and will still rely on Umdoni Municipality to sub-contract supply of these services.
  • Business:  Rural Umzumbe Municipality has no established business hub where residents can safely and conveniently conduct their business, no banking facilities, vehicle license facilities or even a public libary etc and therefore residents are still forced to rely and support Umdoni Muncipality and businesses.
  • Financial Implication:  Underdeveloped Umzumbe Municipality serves the rural traditional community with government funding and its residents have no formal obligations in terms of paying rates and refuse, complying with building regulations etc.  This will have a detrimental negative impact and effect on the property values of established community of Mtwalume that are subjected to formal legislation opposed to that of informal traditional governance. 
  • Political Demograpics:  The change severly impacts voting districts and councillors selection in Local Government Elections and deprive me from my right to vote for councillors who I feel will best act for and represent my political and social needs based on the existing demographics of established Mtwalume compared to the underdeveloped, rural, informal and traditional settlements of Umzumbe Municipality which lacks significant prospects of future development.  

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