Operation: Save Chunky

We, the Concerned Coalition of Friends, hereby submit this urgent petition to address a matter of grave importance - Chunky's obsession with War Thunder! It seems Chunky, with a staggering 6,238 hours logged in-game, has become one with the digital skies and tank battles to a point where his keyboard has more action than a Hollywood blockbuster.

We present our case with the following irrefutable evidence:

  1. Level 999 Wizard: Chunky has achieved a wizard-like level of mastery in War Thunder, and rumors have it that he's negotiating a peace treaty between Spitfires and Tigers.

  2. Battlefield Philosopher: In his quest for victory, Chunky has delved deep into the philosophical underpinnings of pixelated warfare, leaving us all wondering if he'll soon publish "The Art of War Thunder.

  3. Couch Commander: Chunky has transformed his living room into a military command center. We suggest he considers reclaiming the space for traditional living room activities, like sitting on the couch. 

We, the undersigned, with tearful eyes and depleted snack supplies, hereby implore Chunky to consider the following:

  1. Real World XP: There's a whole realm beyond the glowing screen, and we've heard it has sunshine, actual explosions (fireworks count!), and the elusive entity called fresh air.

  2. Gamer's Anonymous: Maybe it's time for Chunky to attend a support group where he can share his most epic gaming achievements and find solace in the company of fellow recovering gamers.

  3. Team Human vs. Team Machine: It's time for Chunky to join Team Human in real-life adventures. We've heard the graphics are amazing, and the physics engine is out of this world.

In conclusion, let's unite our efforts to bring Chunky back from the pixelated abyss. Sign this petition, and together, we can reintroduce Chunky to a world beyond the battlefield.



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