Petition for Online Testing and Assignments for 3rd Year Research Psychology Students.

We, the undersigned 3rd year research psychology students, hereby petition for the implementation of online testing and assignments for the current semester. Our module is structured as an online-based self-study program, and we believe that requiring students to come to campus for in-person assessments may lead to unnecessary test anxiety and hinder our ability to perform to our full potential.


Given the success of online assessments in previous years, particularly in 2023, we are confident that conducting tests and assignments online will provide a fair and conducive environment for all students. It will allow us to focus solely on the content and demonstrate our understanding without the added stress of in-person evaluations.


We respectfully request that our concerns be taken into consideration and that the necessary arrangements be made to facilitate online testing and assignments for the remainder of the semester. By doing so, we believe that students will have the opportunity to thrive academically and achieve the grades they are capable of.


Thank you for your attention to this matter.



3rd year research psychology students of 2024.



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