Save_T_Bay_WEB_AD_(2)_-_Copy.jpgTauranga Bay is one of the jewels of the ‘Untamed Natural Wildeness’                of the Buller District...and one of the prime recreational areas                         for locals and visiting tourists

Did you know...

-Westland Mineral Sands have lodged a Resource Consent Application with the Buller District Council and West Coast Regional Council for a proposed Mineral Sand Mining operation in the sand dunes behind Oceanview Subdivision on Okari Road, Nine Mile Beach? This resource consent application may not be publicly notified so your URGENT support is vital.

-Processing up to 2.5 MILLION tonnes of sand and exporting up to 500,000 tonnes of HMC (Heavy Mineral Concentrate) to China over the next 10 years and will be transported along Okari Road, through Tauranga Bay, Omau and Carters Beach on its way to Westport.

-There are major safety concerns about Okari and Tauranga Bay Roads as they are very narrow. WMS propose to use the road for large 50-60 tonne truck & trailers, appox every half hour, day and night.

-Okari Road is also proposed to be the route for The Kawatiri Cycle and Walking Heritage Trail 

-Potential disturbance to wildlife and the environment...including Little Blue Penguins nesting along Nine Mile & Tauranga Bay beach roadside.

-This will have a significant negative impact on local tourism, accomodation businesses...and values of residential properties situated alongside the trucking route


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