Sign the petition in support of former Mayor Powell's suggestion for the Minister of Local Government to appoint a Crown Manager to Tauranga City Council.

In the last local government elections the residents of Tauranga Moana voted for a change in leadership at Tauranga City Council (TCC).  The residents voted for leadership that reflected the diversity in Tauranga. Acknowledging first Tangata Whenua and the principles of partnership, participation and protection outlined in the Tiriti o Waitangi. 

Sadly there are some councillors and residents who do not want progress or the status quo to change.  This is evident in their opposition to  Māori Wards or progress to be made on Tauranga’s infrastructure, development, issues around housing and social issues like homelessness. To quote Mayor Powell  "Tauranga's future as a city is of strategic importance to New Zealand cannot be left to a small group of petty politicians who have a long track record of hindering, or even worse, stopping progress.”

Those of us who attended public meetings have witnessed the blatant disrespect that these councillors show each other, at times the participating audience and more recently the Government Observers appointed to report and provide suggestions for improving  the culture of TCC. 

The residents of Tauranga Moana deserve better! Please sign the petition supporting former Mayor Powell's request for the Minister of Local Goverment to appoint a Crown Manager to TCC.

Tauranga Rate Payers and Residents    Contact the author of the petition

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