Stop influencing Suicide

In this society, suicide is one of the factors which causes the highest number of deaths and most of the victims are aged between 10-24 years.

Then, why ICSE, a Indian board of education where thousands of students are enrolled, teach 'The Little Match Girl' where a little girl is suffering in the cold, he is poor and hungry, and has to sell her matches to collect to be able to buy her food but the cold was numbing her hands and feet so, she lit a match, which gave her the heat to protect herself from the cold that surrounded her and she started hallucinating that she sitting in front of a stove and then she could she inside a warm house celebrating new year's eve with a roasted goose which walking towards her. Then, she saw herself sitting under a huge Christmas Tree which was beautifully decorated. This proved that she was feeling cold, she was hungry and she lacked pleasure to lead a happy life. Then she saw her grandmother who was actually dead, which proved that she had a lack of love as her grandmother was the only person that loved her. So, we can evidently understand that she was sad; she wanted to go with her grandmother to heaven leaving behind her miseries. Though she didn't commit suicide, she died of cold and hunger. Then, the author says that when she died, she got free from all her hunger, cold and sadness. So, the author says 'She had entered with her dear old grandmother into the HEAVENLY JOY and gladness of a new year.' So, doesn't the author tell that a person can be freed from all their miseries after dying? 

When a person is suffering from depression in our society and they read this story to just gain this concept of dying, won't they think that death can give them another chance to live a better life escaping from their sorrows and their miseries because of the concept of afterlife which gives them HOPE

So, should the Indian Board of Education, ICSE, who are responsible of carving out excellence out of the India's youth and students, have 'The Little Match Girl' as a board's chapter, which is taught to everybody?

Shubhayu Chatterjee, Soham Saha and Ushmee Bhattyacharya    Contact the author of the petition

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