Prime Minister Please Stop Liquor Shop operation to prevent COVID -19

Request to PM Narendra Modiji to  stop liquor shop in lock down period. 

As we all know that entire world is going through the pain of pandemic. Since March 23rd 2020 whole nation is under lock down. All these efforts have controlled spreading of COVID - 19 cases. Recently central government gave permission to open liquor shop  so that state government can generate some revenue. This is worst decision in many ways. There is no income for a person under lock down condition and they are spending money badly on liquors. Even a labour who is fed by a charity is standing in a long que to buy liquor. This is also breaking all the law of social distancing. All the efforts taken till now to prevent spreading of COVID cases will go waste. So I urge to Honerable Prime Minister Narendra Modiji to close all the liquor shops immediately. 



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