Strict police background check for each driver on cab apps and agencies

With the increasing rate of crimes around drivers from different mobile application companies and the women of our country being at a risk of assault, harrasment, and other disgusting crimes, this step is not only crucial but urgent as well. It's the need of the hour to make the apps more safe rather than take it up on ourselves to be more and more cautious. Generally the below given list are the only documents demanded from a driver by the highly used applications 

  • Driving License
  • Vehicle Registration 
  • Vehicle Insurance
  • Road Transport Permit

Which gives zero idea about the person's previous crimes, cases, complaints or anything related to ensure the client's safety. Which is not only alarming but extremely careless on the part of these companies that are making millions off of the very same clients. A police certificate (A police certificate is an official document issued as a result of a background check by the police or government agency of a country to enumerate any criminal records that the applicant may have. Criminal records may include arrest, conviction, and possibly criminal proceedings. source: wikipedia ) must be a mandatory document required before a person can become a driver through transportation apps. 



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