The Registration of a Short Skills Programme on Scraper Winch Operation.

Licence Wise Training Specialists (Pty) Ltd is MQA accredited Training Provider that provides legal compliance training to the mining and construction industry.

We have received requests from most of our clients for Scrapper Winch Operator training. However, there is no Skills Program or Short Course for this particular equipment.

The current qualification that incorporate the Unit Standard “244360 - Remove broken rock by means of a scraper winch in an underground workplace” is “58739 - National Certificate: Mining Operations for Underground Hard Rock which the candidate must attain minimum of “130 Credits” to be awarded the qualification.

Challenges that our clients encounter includes:

1.       Duration for full qualification is too long.

2.       The qualification only caters for underground mine and not surface mining

3.       They resort to non-accredited or credit bearing courses.

4.       Rate of incidents is not reduced due to inadequate training.


Please sign this petition to assist the mining industry to register the following skills programme with MQA.

Tittle: Scrapper Winch Operator/ installer

Tlou Motlapema (Licence Wise Training Specialists Pty Ltd)    Contact the author of the petition

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